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furtherIssue 6: swipe at mobile device #9

Open ryuina opened 7 years ago

ryuina commented 7 years ago

fix swipe function to fit with mobile device

JaejinHwang commented 7 years ago

이거 됩니까 @Kwonyongseok 저도 한번 찾아보겠습니다

JaejinHwang commented 7 years ago

https://api.jquerymobile.com/swipeleft/ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33339486/jquery-swipe-left-or-right-on-mobile https://www.w3schools.com/jquerymobile/jquerymobile_events_touch.asp 예제 참고!

JaejinHwang commented 7 years ago

function swipeleftHandler( event ){ $( event.target ).addClass( "swipeleft" ); }

Kwonyongseok commented 7 years ago
