ryukinix / mal

MAL: A MyAnimeList Command Line Interface [BROKEN: BLAME MyAnimeList]
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Create AUR package and publish it #19

Closed ryukinix closed 8 years ago

ryukinix commented 8 years ago

We just provide a PKGBUILD linked with the releases of github. A template system for python packages can be found here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Python_package_guidelines

However, we need put decorating on AUR before, because all the packages need be tracked for pacman to do this in the right way

alexkubica commented 8 years ago

They're both on aur already! See python-decorating and python-mal-git, they're both maintained by me :) After you release a new version all we need to do is update the pkgver variables, and maybe depends if dependencies were added.

ryukinix commented 8 years ago

Thanks!!!! I'll test.

ryukinix commented 8 years ago


You can check later this for me?

alexkubica commented 8 years ago

When I uploaded to aur this commit still existed, have you deleted it maybe? If so, the source variable should be updated. Also, check that you don't have the installed files already so it won't conflict when installing the package, for example: /bin/mal

ryukinix commented 8 years ago

I didn't deleted anything, although something can be lost on some rebase. You need make sure to use only commits on master on tagged, the dev in general can be unstable. That commit is in which branch?

I didn't have mal installed yet.

alexkubica commented 8 years ago

I couldn't use master at that time because it's dependencies were outdated. Git packages are usually not stable too so it's ok.

ryukinix commented 8 years ago

Well, we need just update readme to get a new release on master. But try later a quick fix for this, if you can.

alexkubica commented 8 years ago

Okay, after the new release I'll change the package to clone branch master instead but we should always make sure that master works good. I'll see what I can do about current package. I will also work on the readme, I assume your'e talking about https://github.com/ryukinix/mal/issues/8. You should also release a new version for decorating for the last PR :)

alexkubica commented 8 years ago

I have updated the package, try again: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/python-mal-git

ryukinix commented 8 years ago

Now I got. Installed with success. But I don't understand the necessity of python-argparse. Why we need that? This wouldn't already on stdlib?

ryukinix commented 8 years ago

You should also release a new version for decorating for the last PR :)

Yes, I'll do.

ryukinix commented 8 years ago

We already have a new version of decorating

alexkubica commented 8 years ago

That's great, I'll update the packages. About python-argparse it was on AUR so I added it because it is a dependency. I'll ask on the forums if it's needed even though it's on stdlib.

alexkubica commented 8 years ago

Posted the question here.

ryukinix commented 8 years ago

After Python 3.2 version argparse was merged into stdlib. I think is desnecessary as mal is written based at least Python3.2.

But your package your rules. However, I expect this is not on requirements.txt file as well.

alexkubica commented 8 years ago

Ohh you meant requirements.txt! Well I'll remove it if it's not needed.

ryukinix commented 8 years ago

Okay. I think we can close that. Any useful information later (or problem) you have the right to re-opened this issue again.

alexkubica commented 8 years ago

Alright. I updated decorating and mal on AUR.

ryukinix commented 8 years ago

Thanks. I'll update the master of mal in soon, as well publish the v0.2 version on PyPI. Thanks for all the help!

ryukinix commented 8 years ago

Well, the new version of mal is on master. You can use directly the master on AUR? I have some troubles for now to use mal based on AUR package because he needs decorating v0.5 and AUR provides v0.5.2

ryukinix commented 8 years ago

I made a patch. I'll be glad if you merge it. Here the format-patch: http://sprunge.us/MSZi

I tested on my machine and are working fine for now.

alexkubica commented 8 years ago

Thanks I'll update. I'll make you a maintainer on aur too.

alexkubica commented 8 years ago

I'm trying to package it but I get an error:

[alex@archlinux Downloads]$ makepkg -fi
==> Making package: python-mal-git r117.81ebdf1-1 (Sat Oct 29 14:18:49 IDT 2016)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Updating mal git repo...
Fetching origin
==> Validating source files with md5sums...
    mal ... Skipped
==> Extracting sources...
  -> Creating working copy of mal git repo...
Reset branch 'makepkg'
==> Starting pkgver()...
==> Removing existing $pkgdir/ directory...
==> Entering fakeroot environment...
==> Starting package()...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "setup.py", line 21, in <module>
    long_description = pypandoc.convert(readme, 'rst', format='markdown')
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pypandoc/__init__.py", line 69, in convert
    outputfile=outputfile, filters=filters)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pypandoc/__init__.py", line 240, in _convert_input
    format, to = _validate_formats(format, to, outputfile)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pypandoc/__init__.py", line 201, in _validate_formats
    from_formats, to_formats = get_pandoc_formats()
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pypandoc/__init__.py", line 335, in get_pandoc_formats
RuntimeError: Couldn't call pandoc to get output formats. Output from pandoc:
(b'pandoc [OPTIONS] [FILES]\n  -f FORMAT, -r FORMAT  --from=FORMAT, --read=FORMAT                    \n  -t FORMAT, -w FORMAT  --to=FORMAT, --write=FORMAT                     \n  -o FILENAME           --output=FILENAME                               \n                        --data-dir=DIRECTORY                            \n  -R                    --parse-raw                                     \n  -S                    --smart                                         \n                        --old-dashes                                    \n                        --base-header-level=NUMBER                      \n                        --indented-code-classes=STRING                  \n  -F PROGRAM            --filter=PROGRAM                                \n                        --normalize                                     \n  -p                    --preserve-tabs                                 \n                        --tab-stop=NUMBER                               \n                        --track-changes=accept|reject|all               \n                        --file-scope                                    \n                        --extract-media=PATH                            \n  -s                    --standalone                                    \n                        --template=FILENAME                             \n  -M KEY[:VALUE]        --metadata=KEY[:VALUE]                          \n  -V KEY[:VALUE]        --variable=KEY[:VALUE]                          \n  -D FORMAT             --print-default-template=FORMAT                 \n                        --print-default-data-file=FILE                  \n                        --dpi=NUMBER                                    \n                        --no-wrap                                       \n                        --wrap=[auto|none|preserve]                     \n                        --columns=NUMBER                                \n                        --toc, --table-of-contents                      \n                        --toc-depth=NUMBER                              \n                        --no-highlight                                  \n                        --highlight-style=STYLE                         \n  -H FILENAME           --include-in-header=FILENAME                    \n  -B FILENAME           --include-before-body=FILENAME                  \n  -A FILENAME           --include-after-body=FILENAME                   \n                        --self-contained                                \n                        --html-q-tags                                   \n                        --ascii                                         \n                        --reference-links                               \n                        --reference-location=block|section|document     \n                        --atx-headers                                   \n                        --chapters                                      \n                        --top-level-division=[section|chapter|part]     \n  -N                    --number-sections                               \n                        --number-offset=NUMBERS                         \n                        --no-tex-ligatures                              \n                        --listings                                      \n  -i                    --incremental                                   \n                        --slide-level=NUMBER                            \n                        --section-divs                                  \n                        --default-image-extension=extension             \n                        --email-obfuscation=none|javascript|references  \n                        --id-prefix=STRING                              \n  -T STRING             --title-prefix=STRING                           \n  -c URL                --css=URL                                       \n                        --reference-odt=FILENAME                        \n                        --reference-docx=FILENAME                       \n                        --epub-stylesheet=FILENAME                      \n                        --epub-cover-image=FILENAME                     \n                        --epub-metadata=FILENAME                        \n                        --epub-embed-font=FILE                          \n                        --epub-chapter-level=NUMBER                     \n                        --latex-engine=PROGRAM                          \n                        --latex-engine-opt=STRING                       \n                        --bibliography=FILE                             \n                        --csl=FILE                                      \n                        --citation-abbreviations=FILE                   \n                        --natbib                                        \n                        --biblatex                                      \n  -m[URL]               --latexmathml[=URL], --asciimathml[=URL]        \n                        --mathml[=URL]                                  \n                        --mimetex[=URL]                                 \n                        --webtex[=URL]                                  \n                        --jsmath[=URL]                                  \n                        --mathjax[=URL]                                 \n                        --katex[=URL]                                   \n                        --katex-stylesheet=URL                          \n                        --gladtex                                       \n                        --trace                                         \n                        --dump-args                                     \n                        --ignore-args                                   \n                        --verbose                                       \n                        --bash-completion                               \n                        --list-input-formats                            \n                        --list-output-formats                           \n                        --list-extensions                               \n                        --list-highlight-languages                      \n                        --list-highlight-styles                         \n  -v                    --version                                       \n  -h                    --help                                          \n', None)
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in package().

Could you check it?

ryukinix commented 8 years ago

This is weird. It's like you have the python-bindings for pandoc (pypandoc) but don't have pandoc. You can import pypandoc?


ryukinix commented 8 years ago

Well, I think the package are ok, so I'll close for now. Any problem you can reopen this again.