ryuuzaki42 / IrfanView_AppImage

IrfanView in AppImage
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Menu-Font too big #1

Open demlak opened 2 months ago

demlak commented 2 months ago

Hey there.. i am on latest arch with latest KDE on x11 (not wayland) and the menufont is bigger than it should be.. i tried to play with qt5ct and other systemsettings.. but i could not find a solution.

any idea what could cause this? any idea how to analyse this?

i am using irfanview via global installed wine since a long time.. but i don't need wine for any other programs.. so i thought about switching to appimage-solution.. my current irfanview in local wine does not have such big menu-font.

ryuuzaki42 commented 2 months ago

Maybe is do some configuration from my local user that a forget to remove in the reg files.

Could you extract the AppImage and after run it?

If give the same error, try update the system.reg and user.reg with the files in https://github.com/ryuuzaki42/WinRAR_AppImage in the extracted folder. Or with some of our Wine install.

After tell my our results

demlak commented 2 months ago

those files of repo-download and extracted of the AppImage-File are the same..

i tried to use my files of local wine-install.. and with that user.reg, the font is rendered as it should be..

i did a diff of both files.. and the difference is huge.. for privacy i would not share the file.. so i tried, what happens, if i delete it.. and surprise.. it also works!

so i started from scratch:

# rm -rf squashfs-root/

# rm -rf /home/user/.config/IrfanView_AppImage

# rm -rf IrfanView-4.67-x86_64-1_JB.AppImage

# wget https://github.com/ryuuzaki42/IrfanView_AppImage/releases/download/4.67/IrfanView-4.67-x86_64-1_JB.AppImage

# chmod +x IrfanView-4.67-x86_64-1_JB.AppImage

# ./IrfanView-4.67-x86_64-1_JB.AppImage --appimage-extract

# rm squashfs-root/user.reg

# ./squashfs-root/AppRun

The Font is rendered as it should be.. and i see, that there is a new user.reg generated in /home/user/.config/IrfanView_AppImage/IrfanView

So, maybe you should not include a user.reg?

p.s. i also tried this and it worked (aka: font renders correctly):

# rm -rf squashfs-root/

# rm -rf /home/user/.config/IrfanView_AppImage

# rm -rf IrfanView-4.67-x86_64-1_JB.AppImage

# wget https://github.com/ryuuzaki42/IrfanView_AppImage/archive/refs/heads/main.zip

# unzip main.zip

# rm IrfanView_AppImage-main/user.reg

# rm IrfanView_AppImage-main/system.reg

# ARCH=x86_64 appimagetool -v IrfanView_AppImage-main/

# ./IrfanView-4.67-x86_64.AppImage
ryuuzaki42 commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the feedback and well done.

Without the system.reg and user.reg, here, the font is very small. Try this "clean" version, if anything changes: https://github.com/ryuuzaki42/IrfanView_AppImage/releases/tag/main-fed38c65

Testing here look like my normal font size was big, hehe.


As you said, could be a good one not include a user.reg.

demlak commented 2 months ago

Your new Version has same big Font as the old Version (exactly how your screenshot shows)

My basic opinion: the font size should not be predefined, but should be customizable by the user. I don't know to what extent the customizability of the font size can be implemented here. Otherwise it is the task of the host system to set font-size..

ryuuzaki42 commented 2 months ago

Ok, make sense.

Now without the user.reg. I think that show work. https://github.com/ryuuzaki42/IrfanView_AppImage/releases/tag/4.67_2

And maybe now can change the font size and other configuration in user.reg file ~/.config/IrfanView_AppImage/IrfanView/user.reg

ryuuzaki42 commented 2 months ago

Finally, I found the "problem", was the DPI value in LogPixels.

In the user.reg in ~/.config/IrfanView_AppImage/IrfanView/user.reg

At the end of block [Control Panel\\Desktop]

Added LogPixels with desire value

To 100% text size


To 125% text size


To 150% text size


demlak commented 2 months ago

nice finding..

but: is it common to serve a user.reg and/or system.reg file in AppImages (real question.. i am new to this)? what is the need of serving it, instead of just let it generate it on the fly?

ryuuzaki42 commented 2 months ago

but: is it common to serve a user.reg and/or system.reg file in AppImages (real question.. i am new to this)? what is the need of serving it, instead of just let it generate it on the fly?

I don't know. Maybe this and others files are not needed. Sometimes they are go up after be automatic generated in local tests