ryyanmapes / minecart-mod

An open-source Minecraft mod for 1.16.5 adding new options for rail networks.
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Suggestions for new Stuff #56

Open 666Volt opened 2 years ago

666Volt commented 2 years ago

Greetings and Hello

Don't know if this is the right place but I've got a bunch of suggestions for you because of the need to share my thoughts for a less complicated routing sytem (such I've build with vanilla MC and command blocks in 1.16.5) with modders of rails and tracks.

In vanilla you can add multiple tags to a minecart and if a tagged minecart activate a vanilla detector and a command block below, you can move, teleport or destroy carts via commands like tp @e[type=minecart,tag=sometag,limit=1,distance=..2]] ~ ~ ~1 for example kill @e[type=minecart,tag=sometag] for example The same for stops and for movin the carts And of course you can summon a tagged minecart. I automated the command typing with Excel :D I build a huge world witch tons of stations witch I can drive hours crossing multiple rail stations by simply routing the carts that way, and gave the route tags numers with direction like "R10w" etc. The great problem is, that it works great for minecarts but get nearly impossible for moving chest carts etc.

I found this great mod because my all time favorite mod Railcraft is discontinued and immersive railroading is to huge to be that simple I've got in mind.

I'm not a modder an I have no time for it right now, but you may take my suggestions for your own mod as they are the follows:

  1. A "Tag Track": Such track should apply/replace/remove a tag (or multiple) from/to a minecart. Its activation should configurable by redstone or always active

  2. Detector Tracks 2.1 An "Tag Detector Track" It should give a redstone signal is a passing cart matches the specified tag or tags or does not match the tag/s.

2.2 An "Interior detector track" Witch should detect specified cart type/s and also items or entitys within carts

2.3 An "Motion Detection Track" This detector should be configurable to detect direction and/or speed (maybe with redstone slider 0-15)

  1. A Cart Hopper/Dispenser Track Witch should remove or summon a cart from/to a adjacent inventory like a chest by redston signal

With this Tracks and the turn in combination it should be possible to easy build a huge Routing system for multiple railway lines.

  1. Additional Tracks to this, you could create a 4.1. "Message Track" witch displays a via GUI defined message if triggered by an external redstone signal (detector tracks) 4.2. An "Y-wye track" or could add this option to the turn track

For the carts I have such ideas:

I like the campfire cart a lot. It's the same I had in mind but I would choose a

  1. "Redstone Cart" with the same abilitys like tha campfire cart but could be activated by vanilla activator tracks oder a own control track.

  2. I thought a lot about a mechanic how carts could be moved how powered rails or directional boostered rails are. Would make sens if there were a fiktive chain/belt moving system - means blocks like vanilla powered rails but adjacent to the rails itself as if it were paralell rails, witch move carts in a choosen direction when powered by redstone This would make it possible to move carts independent from the rails itself witch can be detectors etc. Maybe could add other functionality like signaling via such adjacent to tracks placed functional blocks(?)

  3. It would be great to have a locomotive witch can be driven automaticly and manually, means player controlled while player sitting into it. I thought about a system wher you can drive the locomotive BUT ALSO choose the direction by forcing the locomotive at the next turn even if turn is set in other direction. This means if you in manual mode and type d or ->, it displays an arrow on screen and at the next turn the locomotive (and complete train) turn left at the next turn track. Yeah, controllabe minecart locomotives wher you can choose underway where you want to travel.

So far for my sugesstions, got a lot more, may be enough for now. Would be happy if the one or onother could be realised.

Thanks to all you guys making mods for MC rail systems :)

PS: excuse for bad english