Open kaetemi opened 4 years ago
@kervala Any idea?
Call stack for rendering decal on Direct3D
nel_drv_direct3d_win_d.dll!NL3D::CDriverD3D::renderPrimitives(_D3DPRIMITIVETYPE primitiveType, unsigned int __formal, NL3D::CMaterial & mat, unsigned int firstVertex, unsigned int nPrims) Line 84 C++
nel_drv_direct3d_win_d.dll!NL3D::CDriverD3D::renderRawTriangles(NL3D::CMaterial & mat, unsigned int firstIndex, unsigned int numTris) Line 281 C++
> ryzom_client_dev_d.exe!CDecal::renderTriCache(NL3D::IDriver & drv, NL3D::CShadowPolyReceiver & __formal, bool useVertexProgram) Line 422 C++
ryzom_client_dev_d.exe!CDecal::render(NL3D::UDriver & __formal, NL3D::CShadowPolyReceiver & receiver, const std::vector<NLMISC::CPlane,std::allocator<NLMISC::CPlane>> & worldPyramid, const std::vector<NLMISC::CVector,std::allocator<NLMISC::CVector>> & pyramidCorners, bool useVertexProgram) Line 606 C++
ryzom_client_dev_d.exe!CDecalRenderList::renderAllDecals() Line 654 C++
ryzom_client_dev_d.exe!CLandscapePolyDrawer::renderLandscapePolyPart() Line 316 C++
ryzom_client_dev_d.exe!drawRenderScene(bool wantTraversals, bool keepTraversals) Line 764 C++
ryzom_client_dev_d.exe!doRenderScene(bool wantTraversals, bool keepTraversals) Line 787 C++
ryzom_client_dev_d.exe!mainLoop() Line 1742 C++
| Name | Value | Type
-- | -- | -- | --
| _ShaderType | Normal (0) | NL3D::CMaterial::TShader
| _Flags | 896 | unsigned int
| _SrcBlend | srcalpha (2) | NL3D::CMaterial::TBlend
| _DstBlend | invsrcalpha (3) | NL3D::CMaterial::TBlend
| _ZFunction | lessequal (5) | NL3D::CMaterial::ZFunc
| _ZBias | -0.0599999987 | float
▶ | _Color | {R=255 'ÿ' G=255 'ÿ' B=255 'ÿ' ...} | NLMISC::CRGBA
▶ | _Emissive | {R=0 '\0' G=0 '\0' B=0 '\0' ...} | NLMISC::CRGBA
▶ | _Ambient | {R=0 '\0' G=0 '\0' B=0 '\0' ...} | NLMISC::CRGBA
▶ | _Diffuse | {R=0 '\0' G=0 '\0' B=0 '\0' ...} | NLMISC::CRGBA
▶ | _Specular | {R=0 '\0' G=0 '\0' B=0 '\0' ...} | NLMISC::CRGBA
| _Shininess | 10.0000000 | float
| _AlphaTestThreshold | 0.00392156886 | float
| _Touched | 0 | unsigned int
| _StainedGlassWindow | false | bool
| _TexCoordGenMode | 0 | unsigned short
▶ | _TexUserMat | empty | std::unique_ptr<NL3D::CMaterial::CUserTexMat,std::default_delete<NL3D::CMaterial::CUserTexMat>>
▶ | _Textures | 0x0000025c38759ba8 {{Ptr=0x0000025c74016c50 {_FileName="r2_pionneer_edit.tga" _AllowDegradation=true ...} }, ...} | NLMISC::CSmartPtr<NL3D::ITexture>[4]
▶ | _TexAddrMode | 0x0000025c38759bc8 "ÍÍÍÍ... | unsigned char[4]
▶ | _TexEnvs | 0x0000025c38759bcc {{EnvPacked=2560692737 Env={OpRGB=1 SrcArg0RGB=0 OpArg0RGB=0 ...} ConstantColor={...} }, ...} | NL3D::CMaterial::CTexEnv[4]
▶ | _MatDrvInfo | {pinfo=0x0000025c7694dec0 {Ptr=0x0000025c720ecb18 {crefs=0 pinfo=0x0000025c7694dec0 {Ptr=0x0000025c720ecb18 {...} ...} } ...} ...} | NLMISC::CRefPtr<NL3D::IMaterialDrvInfos>
▶ | _LightMaps | { size=0 } | std::vector<NL3D::CMaterial::CLightMap,std::allocator<NL3D::CMaterial::CLightMap>>
| _LightMapsMulx2 | false | bool
I have no idea, I had no opportunity to check the Ring since it was removed :s
Do you remember when it still worked ?
Not sure, but I remember you fixed the issue with the trees that occurred on OpenGL. Any chance it's related?
I'm restoring all classic functionality (Ring, etc.) on ryzomclassic-develop branch.
It last worked maybe 10 years ago, or something..
Maybe 5e3cd0321 is related? Editor decal are created before scene is created.
Still occurring, only a faint outline visible.
Decal optimization branch from NeL that was never merged in, based on some old NeL CVS version.
Not working under OpenGL. (Shows faint outline on the rectangle border of the texture.)
Works fine on Direct3D.