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Questions about Fauna Creation in world_editor.exe #609

Open Argez opened 4 years ago

Argez commented 4 years ago

Good morning.

I was reviewing the creation of fauna in world editor and I have these doubts about fauna_newbieland.primitive

-What is the difference between dyn_fauna_starting_city and fauna_starting_city

-In fauna_starting_city there are a series of states (rest, food, spawn), how useful are these states within the world and how are they related to dyn_fauna_starting_city

-What is population?

-In starting_zone in group_descriptions there are yobo herbivore fauna, but this is also repeated in fauna_starting_city. What is this about?

What are cell zones for?

Where can I get more documentation on wildlife creation in the world editor?

Please, can you give me suggestions on how it works?

If I can solve these doubts, I am sure that I will be able to advance a little faster

Argez commented 4 years ago

Hi. It is already starting to work for me, but the mobs are showing bad, very close to the floor so that the legs and the head are not visible. What is this about? I send attached this image: https://prnt.sc/s9vjph What do you suggest to solve this problem?

kaetemi commented 4 years ago

AI mobs will switch between rest and feed states, so they will move between those zones. It's what adds the dynamic feel to the game.

Argez commented 4 years ago

Thank you. I followed a documentation of attlasian(https://ryzomcore.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RC/pages/884946/Adding+Mobs) and the arma creatures, they are showing me in the middle (no head or legs)

Do you know what that may be?

Argez commented 4 years ago

I have a question.

How are creatures positioned on the z axis? and where is that position kept ?.

I think that's the problem I'm having right now.

nimetu commented 4 years ago

I believe you are missing cwmap2 files. Those are generated using ai_build_wmap tool in build pipeline process using client continent files.

nimetu commented 4 years ago

I believe server also needs access to _pacs.bnp files from client (those contain .lr files).

Argez commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the info. In which path are those files generated?

nimetu commented 4 years ago

The tool can be found under ryzom/tools/server/ai_build_wmap If you want to create standalone script, then in build pipeline, it can be found in nel/tools/3d/build_gamedata/processes/rbank and nel/tools/build_gamedata/processes/ai_wmap

Add the *_pacs.bnp to server data path first to see if you can ignore ai_wmap for now.

Argez commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much, I will try that

Argez commented 4 years ago

Good afternoon, what you told me helped me a lot.

Now this appears to me:

1.-There are creatures that are shown floating and the textures are not shown, however, there are others that work well for me. What can be caused this? 2.-There are other creatures that seem to have no animation and move rigid as if they were statues. When configuring animations for each creature, how can I know specifically the correspondence between creatures and animations?

greetings and attentive to your comments.

nimetu commented 4 years ago

Maybe different sheetid / packed sheets on server and client or missing animset files / definitions. make_sheet_id is used to update/generate sheet_id.bin from server primitive files. sheets_packer is used to generate client packed sheets files.

Check ryzomcore_leveldesign repo for animsets. I'm not familiar with content creation workflow.