rzane / docker2exe

Convert a Docker image to an executable
127 stars 18 forks source link

Does this solution still require docker tools on the target machine? #6

Closed sixman9 closed 1 year ago

sixman9 commented 2 years ago

Apologies appearing pedantic but, is this tool able to generate executables of whatever size, that do not require the end user to have either the tools nor knowledge of Docker (therefore self-contained executables)?

Also, this generated cross-platform targets, correct (I myself am on Mac)?

appvoid commented 1 year ago

Did it work for you?

sixman9 commented 1 year ago

@appvoid Never made use of it, sorry - if you do use it, can you feed it back here, gracious, amigo!

carljmosca commented 1 year ago

It worked for me if Docker was running.

rzane commented 1 year ago

Yeah, this requires that the person running the executable has docker or podman running. The main idea is that it can "launch" a container with parameters that you encode.