rzeldent / esp32cam-rtsp

Simple RTSP (streaming image) server for the ESP32CAM. Easy configuration and monitoring through the web interface.
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xiao_esp32s3_sense cannot use rtsp stream #136

Closed uecken closed 1 month ago

uecken commented 1 month ago

I changed below in platform.ini default_envs = esp32cam_seeed_xiao_esp32s3_sense then upload , wifi connected. Web Jpeg stream can be done, but RTSP stream cannot be successed.

image image

image image

I checked the RTSP port, then the port is not opened. /mnt/c/Users/User$ nmap Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2024-08-14 15:28 JST Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.019s latency). Not shown: 999 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 80/tcp open http

I tried the main branch and develop branch, but same issue happend.

rzeldent commented 1 month ago

Have you tried configuring to connect to an access point?

uecken commented 1 month ago

How can I use Wifi station mode? The SSID/PW setting can be shown in web GUI, but cannot ues properly. image

I dont't know much about IotWebConf.

I tried again, then esp32 seems to try to connect to AP, but cannot connect.

Reconnecting to COM16 --- forcing DTR inactive --- forcing RTS inactive

Please build project in debug configuration to get more details about an exception. See https://docs.platformio.org/page/projectconf/build_configurations.html

--- Logging an output to C:\gdrive\dev2024\esp32cam-rtsp\logs\device-monitor-240815-102517.log
Connected! 10:25:43.351 > State changing from: 2 to 3 10:25:43.375 > E (35831) wifi_init_default: netstack cb reg failed with 12308 10:25:43.375 > Connecting to [HUAWEIp10] (password is hidden) 10:25:43.375 > WiFi timeout (ms): 30000 10:25:43.401 > State changed from: 2 to 3 10:26:13.375 > Giving up. 10:26:13.380 > State changing from: 3 to 2 10:26:13.399 > Setting up AP: ESP32CAM-RTSP 10:26:13.400 > Use password: 10:26:13.784 > AP IP address: 10:26:13.788 > AP timeout (ms): 30000 10:26:13.788 > State changed from: 3 to 2

I forgotted put antenna. After put antenna., esp

--- Logging an output to C:\gdrive\dev2024\esp32cam-rtsp\logs\device-monitor-240815-102847.log Connected! 10:29:15.760 > State changing from: 2 to 3 10:29:15.769 > Connecting to [HUAWEIp10] (password is hidden) 10:29:15.771 > WiFi timeout (ms): 30000 10:29:15.795 > State changed from: 2 to 3 10:29:36.390 > WiFi connected 10:29:36.394 > IP address: 10:29:36.394 > State changing from: 3 to 4 10:29:39.495 > Active mDNS services: 0 10:29:39.497 > Accepting connection 10:29:39.504 > State changed from: 3 to 4

uecken commented 1 month ago

Finally, RTSP stream connected. Thank you!!! image

rzeldent commented 1 month ago

You're welcome! Nice to hear issue is resolved