rzellem / EXOTIC

EXOplanet Transit Interpretation Code
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EXOTIC Candidate Support #1250

Open rzellem opened 5 months ago

rzellem commented 5 months ago

Also this if you know the TIC ID for planet parameters


Melanie A. Swain | Applications Developer | Caltech/IPAC Mail Code 100-22 | Pasadena CA 91125

From: Swain, Melanie A. [mswain@ipac.caltech.edu](mailto:mswain@ipac.caltech.edu) Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2024 2:08 PM To: Zellem, Rob (US 3262) [robert.t.zellem@jpl.nasa.gov](mailto:robert.t.zellem@jpl.nasa.gov) Subject: Re: help with ExoFOP?

Glad this was helpful. We need to add the bit about how to download the TIC overview via json, but other download options are here:


Melanie A. Swain | Applications Developer | Caltech/IPAC Mail Code 100-22 | Pasadena CA 91125

From: Zellem, Rob (US 3262) [robert.t.zellem@jpl.nasa.gov](mailto:robert.t.zellem@jpl.nasa.gov) Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2024 1:40 PM To: Swain, Melanie A. [mswain@ipac.caltech.edu](mailto:mswain@ipac.caltech.edu) Cc: Pearson, Kyle A (US 398K) [kyle.a.pearson@jpl.nasa.gov](mailto:kyle.a.pearson@jpl.nasa.gov) Subject: Re: help with ExoFOP?

This. Is. Amazing. Thank you so very much for the super quick and helpful reply, Melanie! We have been looking for this exact information for literally years.

Kyle- do you think we could pull this into EXOTIC to scrape system parameters for candidate planets?


Dr. Rob Zellem, PhD, MSc (he/him) Exoplanet Astronomer Exoplanet Discovery and Science (3262)

JPL | jpl.nasa.gov 4800 Oak Grove Dr, Mail Stop 169-237 Pasadena, California 91109 M 626-379-9418

From: "Swain, Melanie A." [mswain@ipac.caltech.edu](mailto:mswain@ipac.caltech.edu) Date: Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 11:38 AM To: "Zellem, Rob (US 3262)" [robert.t.zellem@jpl.nasa.gov](mailto:robert.t.zellem@jpl.nasa.gov) Subject: Re: help with ExoFOP?

Hi Rob,

There are several ways to get data:

If you know the TIC ID, you can get everything in JSON structure:


For TOIs (pipe delimited - a bit slow - you can also do output=csv): https://exofop.ipac.caltech.edu/tess/download_toi.php?sort=toi&output=pipe

TOIs in JSON structure (faster) https://exofop.ipac.caltech.edu/tess/json/tois.json

Is this what you had in mind?


Melanie A. Swain | Applications Developer | Caltech/IPAC Mail Code 100-22 | Pasadena CA 91125

From: Zellem, Rob (US 3262) [robert.t.zellem@jpl.nasa.gov](mailto:robert.t.zellem@jpl.nasa.gov) Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2024 10:22 AM To: Swain, Melanie A. [mswain@ipac.caltech.edu](mailto:mswain@ipac.caltech.edu) Subject: help with ExoFOP?

Hi Melanie-

Do you know if there’s a way to scrape system parameters of exoplanet candidates listed on the ExoFOP, just like we are currently able to do with the API for the NASA Exoplanet Archive?

We are trying to add some support for analyzing candidate planets with our data analysis code for our thousands of citizen scientists in Exoplanet Watch. What would really help them is for our code to fill in the system parameters for them so they can run the code without any additional tweaking/hacking. Or is there a CSV-type file that we could periodically download and scrape values from there?

Thanks for your help, Rob

Dr. Rob Zellem, PhD, MSc (he/him) Exoplanet Astronomer Exoplanet Discovery and Science (3262)

JPL | jpl.nasa.gov 4800 Oak Grove Dr, Mail Stop 169-237 Pasadena, California 91109 M 626-379-9418