rzellem / EXOTIC

EXOplanet Transit Interpretation Code
85 stars 45 forks source link

Not all new parameters accounted for when checking at command line #1327

Closed tamimfatahi closed 4 weeks ago

tamimfatahi commented 4 weeks ago


ivenzor commented 4 weeks ago

For documentation purposes:

enumerate(planetparams) [(0, 'Target Star RA in the form: HH:MM:SS (ignore the decimal values)'), (1, "Target Star DEC in form: DD:MM:SS (ignore the decimal values and don't forget the '+' or '-' sign!)"), (2, "Planet's Name"), (3, "Host Star's Name"), (4, 'Orbital Period (days)'), (5, 'Orbital Period Uncertainty (days) \n(Keep in mind that 1.2e-34 is the same as 1.2 x 10^-34)'), (6, 'Published Mid-Transit Time (BJD_UTC)'), (7, 'Mid-Transit Time Uncertainty (BJD-UTC)'), (8, 'Ratio of Planet to Stellar Radius (Rp/Rs)'), (9, 'Ratio of Planet to Stellar Radius (Rp/Rs) Uncertainty'), (10, 'Ratio of Distance to Stellar Radius (a/Rs)'), (11, 'Ratio of Distance to Stellar Radius (a/Rs) Uncertainty'), (12, 'Orbital Inclination (deg)'), (13, 'Orbital Inclination (deg) Uncertainty'), (14, 'Argument of Periastron (deg)'), (15, 'Orbital Eccentricity (0 if null)'), (16, 'Star Effective Temperature (K)'), (17, 'Star Effective Temperature Positive Uncertainty (K)'), (18, 'Star Effective Temperature Negative Uncertainty (K)'), (19, 'Star Metallicity ([FE/H])'), (20, 'Star Metallicity Positive Uncertainty ([FE/H])'), (21, 'Star Metallicity Negative Uncertainty ([FE/H])'), (22, 'Star Surface Gravity (log(g))'), (23, 'Star Surface Gravity Positive Uncertainty (log(g))'), (24, 'Star Surface Gravity Negative Uncertainty (log(g))')]

enumerate(userpdict) [(0, 'ra'), (1, 'dec'), (2, 'pName'), (3, 'sName'), (4, 'pPer'), (5, 'pPerUnc'), (6, 'midT'), (7, 'midTUnc'), (8, 'rprs'), (9, 'rprsUnc'), (10, 'aRs'), (11, 'aRsUnc'), (12, 'inc'), (13, 'incUnc'), (14, 'omega'), (15, 'ecc'), (16, 'teff'), (17, 'teffUncPos'), (18, 'teffUncNeg'), (19, 'met'), (20, 'metUncPos'), (21, 'metUncNeg'), (22, 'logg'), (23, 'loggUncPos'), (24, 'loggUncNeg'), (25, 'dist'), (26, 'pm_ra'), (27, 'pm_dec')]

for i, key in enumerate(userpdict):
log_info(f"\n\nWarning: {pdict['pName']} initialization file's {planet_params[i]} does not match "