rzr / generic-sensors-lite

Naive implementation of w3c specs for IoT.js
Apache License 2.0
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Temperature sensor not showing any data #13

Open dror3go opened 4 years ago

dror3go commented 4 years ago

I purchased ANAVI Infrared pHAT together with a temperature & humidity sensor (HTU21D), and attached it to a Pi 3 with a newly installed gateway version 0.10.0. I was able to add the device in the gateway, however I can't seem to get a reading of it: when I try to turn it on (browsing to /things/generic-sensors-2) I see in the browser's network log that when I press the "on" button there's a request to PUT /things/generic-sensors-2/properties/on which doesn't get an answer. Another click on the button, to turn it off, results in an immediate response in the network tab ({"on":false}).

When I SSH to the Pi I get this:

$ /usr/sbin/i2cdetect -y 1
     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
00:          -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
40: 40 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 
70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

How can I make the sensor up and running? Thanks a lot

rzr commented 4 years ago

HTU21D is not yet supported by https://github.com/rzr/generic-sensors-lite

But it looks there are other drivers available: https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=HTU21D

Tell me you manage to use any of those ?

Then it should be easy to add it as a new "controller" in https://github.com/rzr/generic-sensors-lite/tree/master/lib/temperature

Just add an else statement in: https://github.com/rzr/generic-sensors-lite/blob/master/lib/temperature/index.js#L98

Then adapter can be updated

Does this help ?

dror3go commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to use sensor-htu21d but I'm not sure what are the steps. So I did:

cd /home/pi/.mozilla-iot/addons/generic-sensors-adapter/
npm i sensor-htu21d

Then I edited node_modules/generic-sensors-lite/lib/temperature/index.js:

var Htu21d = null;


try {
  Htu21d = require('htu21d.js');
} catch (err){
  // console.log(err);


} else if (this.options.controller === 'htu21d' || this.options.controller === 'htu21d-sensor') {
  this.sensor = new Htu21d(this.options.sensor);

But I'm pretty sure I'm not doing it right :-) Any help would be appreciated.

rzr commented 4 years ago

well it's a good start

This module could be preferable to use: https://github.com/bbx10/node-htu21d/blob/master/index.js#L95

Then it will be easier to also support iotjs: https://github.com/rzr/webthing-iotjs/wiki/IotJs

To make it easier may I suggest that we use focus only on humidity value first then once merged some refactoring should be done...

Let me suggest this plan

1/ duplicate: https://github.com/rzr/generic-sensors-lite/blob/master/lib/battery to "lib/humidity"

2/ Then replace occurrences of "battery" to "humidity" :)

3/ replace "read" by "readHumidity" (update simulator too)


4/ then you can try by running once it work you can open a PR

node ./lib/humidity

5/ Add Humidity to: https://github.com/rzr/generic-sensors-lite/blob/master/lib/index.js

6/ import driver and add controller like you did in init part, test it update PR Set default Humidity driver in: https://github.com/rzr/generic-sensors-lite/blob/master/lib/controllers.js

7/ I will suggest a plan for refactoring this into temperature sensor too

8/ Multiple type sensors should be also specified, eventually as non w3c API, relate to: https://github.com/bbx10/node-htu21d/issues/1

rzr commented 4 years ago

I have prepared you the last for step 6 and later

On trouble feel free to reach me here or on irc

May I ask @dror3go what distro are you using ?

If debian please can you try Iot.js:




dror3go commented 4 years ago

I made the changes manually, but the humidity is not available in the UI. Is there a command I need to run 1st in order to be able to use it? I noticed that when viewing ~/.mozilla-iot/addons/generic-sensors-adapter/package.json then it contains moziot object with generic-sensors config array, which includes ambientLightSensor, colorSensor, temperatureSensor, but lacks the new humiditySensor. Also, note that I still have version 0.0.9, just with these humidity manual additions. Should I update to 0.0.14 and if so - how?

As for the distro - well I'm using Mozilla gateway 0.10.0 and when I SSH to the Pi I see that it's indeed Debian. What's the motivation to use IotJs and what is its current replacement in the default setup?

rzr commented 4 years ago

yes I am about to update the mozilla adapter without the humidity sensor... I wanted you to test the driver in this module, if it is working please show me your code in a PR, if it's good I will integrate it in next version.

Originally i made this module for iotjs and since it's backward compatible with node, then i reused this module in mozilla addon.

dror3go commented 4 years ago

Oh sorry, I totally forgot about the readings.

So after I've added lib/humidity/index.js, lib/humidity/simulator.js and running:

$ node ./lib/humidity
log: level=0.559389175818104

That's fine. But I wasn't able to use the driver, it's still using the simulator. Where should I initiate the driver?

rzr commented 4 years ago

yes the simulator is used by default So you need to add the controller in


like I made for


Then you can test it using:

node lib/humidity "{ \"controller\": \"node-htu21\"}"

I can prepare this in a branch if you can try find me in chat room.

rzr commented 4 years ago

@dror3go If you also added htu21d to temperature, please confirm if both can be added to mozilla gateway and used at the same time maybe not in that case other API will be needed any idea ?

rzr commented 4 years ago

Thx @dror3go to confirm your change https://github.com/dror3go/generic-sensors-lite/commit/6727023aa6420b645451780039b326f6d17b8521

Is fixing this bug, I will release a new version once my patches are merged, starting with:


rzr commented 4 years ago

Back to the original temperature use:

Please @dror3go forward this change with a PR:


Make sure to update requiere path like I did for humidity:


rzr commented 4 years ago

Current release should fix this bug, please @dror3go test to confirm this issue should be closed.

See you at:
