rzsavilla / BlobsonicEngine

Group Project: 3D OpenGL Game Engine
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Improved Camera Component and Controller #13

Open rzsavilla opened 7 years ago

rzsavilla commented 7 years ago

Improve Camera Component and replace Camera System with a camera controller.

Camera controller, controls an active camera.

Camera Component is base class for:

FirstPersonCamera is the base a simple camera able to rotate and move around the world space

ThirdPersonCamera is able to do the same as first person camera, except it does these actions with relation to a variable follow point/ target position. The camera maintains a variable distance from the follow point (Camera Reach). So the camera is able to rotate around the following point and maintain a variable distance around this point.

CinematicCamera Simple camera is essentially the same as the FirstPersonCamera however contains a list of actions which it will follow until all actions are completed.