s-KaiNet / spfx-fast-serve

Improve your SharePoint Framework development flow by speeding up the "serve" command :rocket:
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Information for futur spfx 1.19 #127

Closed rgcircum closed 3 months ago

rgcircum commented 3 months ago

I tested a beta-0 of spfx 1.19 with spfx fast serve. This is for information, I have this error. This is normal, spfx 1.19 is in beta and you have not yet updated spfx-fast-serve ;)


rgcircum commented 3 months ago

additional information. When installing, it adds a version for spfx-fast-serve-helpers which does not exist: "spfx-fast-serve-helpers": "~1.20.0"

s-KaiNet commented 3 months ago


well, that ☝️ might have significant impact and delay on fast-serve release with SPFx 1.19 support. But I will take a look how bad things are.

s-KaiNet commented 3 months ago

@rgcircum to your issue, fast-serve checks the installed version of the SPFx by checking one of the SPFx dependencies, always included into the package.json - @microsoft/sp-build-web.
But now I see that the version of this dependency is not equal to SPFx version:

Seems its related to new feature "Buildtime packages release is decoupled from the SPFx release" introduced in SPFx 1.19. I have to use other dependency to check then.

But as said earlier, looks like the problem is a lot bigger, because of webpack 5.

s-KaiNet commented 3 months ago

I fixed this particular problem. Now the right version is resolved, but of course it doesn't work, because I have to migrate fast-serve to webpack 5, which looks like quite a big task. I will close this issue and will create a separate one for webpack 5.

PS. You need to install the latest global cli by running npm i spfx-fast-serve@latest -g, then re-run it on your project, this time it should add correct fast-serve 1.19 beta version (not working).

rgcircum commented 3 months ago

Super, i test this quickly (for version number). Thanks for your excellent work.