s-alad / toofake

View friends BeReals without posting or them knowing. Post custom BeReal's whenever. Add custom realmojis
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Keep getting this issue when posting #91

Open n7icoo opened 4 months ago

n7icoo commented 4 months ago

The message shows up every time I post something and idk what to do. I'm not really good with coding. How can I fix this? Do I need to post bereal on time?


n7icoo commented 4 months ago

Not sure why it doesnt let me upload the pic of the error message but it says

{error":"Bad Request","statusCode":400,"message":"Bad Request","errorKey":"bad-request","data":null,"fields":["caption"],"timestamp":"2024-03-09TO5:07:39.236Z","requestId":"8697e011beb14029806c3744bca466b1"}

internetztube commented 4 months ago

Same Problem

s-alad commented 4 months ago

just fixed posting, however you cant comment directly while making the post. Let me know if it works or not

n7icoo commented 4 months ago

Yes it works now, thank you! But how can I get the images to look normal? The photos are stretched or shrunk a little bit when I upload through iPhone. What do I need to change in order for the pics to be the same resolution as a normal bereal?

n7icoo commented 4 months ago

Also now login isn’t working, shows the same error as the one when I tried to post

s-alad commented 4 months ago

I was just able to login, are you still having an issue?

n7icoo commented 3 months ago

Hey still not working, I don’t get the code and it doesn’t take me to the thing to put my code in I only see the space to put my phone number in but no space to put in the code

n7icoo commented 3 months ago

Just tried again and login works now, but the feed doesn’t load. Someone else has already made a post for it in the github and there is still the issue with photo resolution