s-ccs / summerschool_simtech_2023

SimTech Summer School 2023
MIT License
5 stars 6 forks source link

Some interesting links #18

Open sims1253 opened 9 months ago

sims1253 commented 9 months ago

Commit message conventions: https://www.conventionalcommits.org (there's obviously others) emergency git cheat sheet: https://ohshitgit.com/ open nonprofit-run github alternativ: https://codeberg.org/

uekerman commented 9 months ago

Interesting links, thanks for sharing!

sims1253 commented 9 months ago

https://choosealicense.com/licenses is a good starting point for choosing a licenses. What is sadly missing from the quick overview is the EUPL, a license that is actually compatible with European law https://choosealicense.com/licenses/eupl-1.2

And re. the "companies don't touch GPL code", this is mostly the AGPL, as it forces SAAS companies to make their code available even though they don't directly redistribute it. The GPL is commonly used in the industry as you can easily circumvent its spirit if you're an evil corp ;)

behinger commented 9 months ago

@Oesting we should send some links around e.g. these two could be good:

on parallelzation / CPU caches etc. "what scientistis should know about CPUs" https://viralinstruction.com/posts/hardware/

very well done interactive pluto notebook on explaining neural nets, by one of the participants: https://mlcolab.github.io/IntroML.jl/stable/supervised_learning.html