s-du / IRMapper

Pyside6 application for creating thermal point clouds using photogrammetry. Compatible with DJI M3T (Mavic 3 thermal) and Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced. Using Agisoft Metashape Python API
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Problem to install IRMapper in virtual environment of anaconda #7

Open debpal opened 1 year ago

debpal commented 1 year ago

I am trying to install IRMapper but I cannot do it. The steps I followed: 1) create a conda environment "img", 2) activate "img", 3) conda install git, 4) git clone https://github.com/s-du/IRMapper. It worked perfectly up to step 4 and IRMapper is downloaded.

Now when I give the command "pip install -r requirements.txt", it is showing "Error: Could not open requirements file: [Error 2] No such file or directory: 'requirements.txt' ". I also downloaded zip folder from you github page and have not found any 'requirements.txt' in the extracted folder.

Am I following the correct process? Could you please let me know where I am wrong? Can I work with your app through jupyter lab or jupyter notebook? This app would be very useful for me if I can successfully work with it. I am waiting for your help. Thanks for the nice work you are doing.

s-du commented 1 year ago

Hi debpal, my apologies I forgot to put the requirements.txt file. It is now updated! I would git clone again and start from scratch.

You also have a '.exe' installer available in the 'releases' section if you want to install the software on Windows. At the moment, given the complexity of the app, it is not planned to make it compatible with Jupyter.

Kind regards