s-marley / ESP32_FFT_VU

A spectrum analyzer VU meter for the ESP32 and a FastLED matrix
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Reducing microphone interference #9

Open santiagopm opened 2 years ago

santiagopm commented 2 years ago

First of all I must say I'm a total noob, but this is my sugestion. When I implemented the MAX4466 the results were very strange and in abslute not what I expected to it must be. Then I noticed that if I reduce the leds bright it was much better, so I supposed there wre something about power supply of the MAX446. I powered the mic with 5v instead of the 3.3v taken from the ESP32 board, but the same problem appears again. The solution was to put a 1000uF 10v capacitor, now works prefect (power the mic with 5v).

s-marley commented 2 years ago

You're absolutely correct, the brighter the lights the higher the electrical noise. I had noticed the same problem. This can be overcome somewhat by using a fairly large capacitor across the 5V line. A 10V cap should be fine, but I normally use 16V or above just because I don't trust the crappy capacitors that I have. If you have a good brand name cap, 10V will be fine. Thanks for your comment.

atuline commented 2 years ago

If you add WiFi to the mix, then life gets even more difficult, as it interferes with the 12 bit A/D on the ESP32.

Caveat: We did so on our sound reactive fork of WLED and it's a real challenge.

PS, Hi Scott!