s-nakaoka / choreonoid

An integrated graphical robotics application framework
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Compilation error when attempting to compile CnoidCorbaPlugin from source #199

Closed CheekyMonkey closed 6 years ago

CheekyMonkey commented 6 years ago


I'm seeing the following compilation error when attempting to compile the CnoidCorbaPlugin from the github source:

1>------ Build started: Project: CnoidCorbaPlugin, Configuration: Release x64 ------ 1> Building Custom Rule C:/projects/choreonoid/src/CorbaPlugin/CMakeLists.txt 1> CMake does not need to re-run because C:/projects/choreonoid/build/src/CorbaPlugin/CMakeFiles/generate.stamp is up-to-date. 1> Generating ../../../share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/CnoidCorbaPlugin-1.7.mo 1> Copying MessageView.idl to C:/projects/choreonoid/include/cnoid/corba 1> 1 file(s) copied. 1> Generating the C++ stubs and skeletons of MessageView.idl 1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(171,5): error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code -1073741515. ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

Environment: Windows 10 Microsoft Visual Studio Community 15 Update 3 Choreonoid (latest from github: https://github.com/s-nakaoka/choreonoid/ as at commit 41133c6) Boost (boost_1_60_0-msvc-14.0-64) QT (qt-unified-windows-x86-3.0.2-online) Eigen (version 3.3.4) Cmake (version 3.9.5)

Steps to reproduce (http://choreonoid.org/en/manuals/latest/install/build-windows.html) cmake > (configure and generate: success) > enable: Boost, Eigen, QT Visual Studio > build solution

Verbose compiler output attached for reference choreonoid compilation error.txt

Any guidance to overcome this error?

I did read in your compilation guidance that there were challenges with compiling using Microsoft Visual Studio Community 15 Update 3 and but that there was success with Microsoft Visual Studio Community 15 Update 2.

Any tips on how to roll back "MVSC update 3", if this is the way to go?


ytazz commented 6 years ago

Hi I am another user, and strangely I did not encounter the error you reported, using VS community 2015 Update 3. Newest source from github.

9>------ すべてのリビルド開始: プロジェクト:CnoidCorbaPlugin, 構成:Release x64 ------ 9> Building Custom Rule C:/usr/Develop/choreonoid/src/CorbaPlugin/CMakeLists.txt 9> CMake does not need to re-run because C:\usr\Develop\choreonoid\build\src\CorbaPlugin\CMakeFiles\generate.stamp is up-to-date. 9> Generating ../../../share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/CnoidCorbaPlugin-1.7.mo 9> Copying MessageView.idl to C:/usr/Develop/choreonoid/include/cnoid/corba 9> 1 個のファイルをコピーしました。 9> Generating the C++ stubs and skeletons of MessageView.idl 9> 1 個のファイルをコピーしました。 9> CorbaPlugin.cpp 9> NameServerView.cpp 9> MessageView_impl.cpp 9> MessageViewSk.cpp 9> MessageViewDynSk.cpp 9> ライブラリ C:/usr/Develop/choreonoid/build/lib/choreonoid-1.7/Release/CnoidCorbaPlugin.lib とオブジェクト C:/usr/Develop/choreonoid/build/lib/choreonoid-1.7/Release/CnoidCorbaPlugin.exp を作成中 9> コード生成しています。 9> コード生成が終了しました。 9> CnoidCorbaPlugin.vcxproj -> C:\usr\Develop\choreonoid\build\lib\choreonoid-1.7\Release\CnoidCorbaPlugin.dll

CheekyMonkey commented 6 years ago

Hi @ytazz

Are you able to share your cmake cache file for comparison?

ytazz commented 6 years ago

hi CheekyMonkey

there you go


CheekyMonkey commented 6 years ago

Thanks @ytazz

Having moved to another laptop, I’m now able to complete the compile without issue (exact same software versions)

Go figure...

Please close this issue