s-u / RJDBC

R interface to databases using JDBC
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Querying a SQL Server database requiring MFA over RJDBC #94

Open aaelony-aeg opened 2 years ago

aaelony-aeg commented 2 years ago

Querying SQL via ODBC with MS-SQL Server is not supported on MacOs using MFA (see the Microsoft ODBC driver feature matrix). According to the same document, JDBC is supported.

How to connect to a MS-SQL Server database using RJDBC and MFA?

MFA appears to require MSAL4J to enable MFA. In any case, configuration is not intuitive or trivial, though apparently possible.

A skeleton so far is:


## ---- Set up the Driver variable
drv <- JDBC(
  driverClass = "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver", 
  classPath = "/Users/myusername/sqljdbc_10.2_enu/mssql-jdbc-10.2.1.jre17.jar",

conn <- dbConnect(
  url = "jdbc:sqlserver://MY_SERVER_NAME;Encrypt=true;TrustServerCertificate=false;Connection Timeout=30;Authentication=ActiveDirectoryInteractive",
  rstudioapi::askForPassword("Database password")

this almost works:

Error in dbConnect(drv, url = ...
Unable to connect JDBC to jdbc:sqlserver:// ...
JDBC ERROR: Failed to load MSAL4J Java library for performing ActiveDirectoryInteractive authentication.

So, this is close but unclear how to correctly include the MFA java library at this point.

Any recommendations ?

Perhaps how to include an arbitrary maven artifact from RJDBC like



thanks in advance

aaelony-aeg commented 1 year ago

Update: I am able to query using Clojure or Java via MFA but some needed dependencies are:

        com.github.seancorfield/next.jdbc {:mvn/version "1.2.780"}
        com.microsoft.sqlserver/mssql-jdbc {:mvn/version "10.2.1.jre17"}
        com.microsoft.azure/msal4j {:mvn/version "1.13.0"}

How to bundle these on the classpath and use with RJDBC ?