s-u / Rserve

Fast, flexible and powerful server providing access to R from many languages and systems
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Fatal error: unable to open the base package in Windows 10 with R-4.1.0 #171

Closed kimmolinna closed 3 years ago

kimmolinna commented 3 years ago

I will get Fatal error: unable to open the base package when I try to start Rserve.exe in command prompt after I have copied Rserve.exe and Rserve.dllto the same folder with R.dll(bin/x64). I don't have any problem to start Rserve in R with commands

> library(Rserve)
> Rserve()
Starting Rserve...

And in Linux everything is working fine with 4.1.0 in Kubuntu 21.04.

s-u commented 3 years ago

You may have to use R CMD Rserve or else all the important variables like R_HOME are not set. If you run it from R then they are set already by R itself. Older versions of Rserve detected those settings from registry, but given the severe limitations of Windows it doesn't really make sense to run Rserve there and thus the support is very minimal.

kimmolinna commented 3 years ago

R CMD Rserve is working nicely.