Open s-yadav opened 8 years ago
Check a fork to support infinite scrol by @acondiff, and example on codepen: .
Also check an example to use angulargrid with ngInfiniteScroll ( . Codepen
@s-yadav I really like your codepen fork using ngInfiniteScroll. I agree with you now that I think about it. Why reinvent the wheel if you don't have to. :)
Really nice implementation with ngInfiniteScroll! However for some reason I can't make it work without angular-material. The infinite-scroll function is not firing when I try to set it up without angular-material. Any thoughts on this?
Are you planning to include this feature in the master branch so I can safely rely on my bower implementation?
@helloflow Link has been updated to not to use ngInfiniteScroll, as ngInfiniteScroll will not work with a custom scroll. So added a minimal infinteScroll check on angulargrid itself, You can use angulargrid code from codepen example without ngInfinteScroll. Will update on the master branch once other issues been resolved and checked.
@s-yadav I implemented exactly as in the codepen, also tried it with overflow:auto div. but i can't get infinite-scroll="vm.loadMoreShots()"
to fire when my grid is scrolled to the bottom.
@alereisan Does you have a vm.loadMoreShots()
method in your controller? Does it return a promise? Here is an example of the controller. Note that the method name is inconsequential.
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, $http, $q) {
var vm = this;
$scope.card = {};
$scope.card.title = ''; = 0;
vm.shots = [];
vm.loadingMore = false;
vm.loadMoreShots = function() {
if(vm.loadingMore) return;;
vm.loadingMore = true;
var promise = $http.get('''&access_token=3df6bcfc60b54b131ac04f132af615e60b0bd0b1cadca89a4761cd5d125d608f');
promise.then(function(data) {
var shotsTmp = angular.copy(vm.shots);
shotsTmp = shotsTmp.concat(;
vm.shots = shotsTmp;
vm.loadingMore = false;
}, function() {
vm.loadingMore = false;
return promise;
@acondiff @alereisan So finally infiniteScroll is now bundled with angulargrid - 0.5.1. Use the master branch and check for example.
@acondiff Yes, I used almost exactly the same setup like in the codepen, just with my own backend. When I refresh the page, the first 10 results (Page 1) are loaded. But when I scroll down to the end of "Page 1" it does not send a get "Page 2" request to the backend. (nothing seems to happen here anymore).
(Have not tried with new update / documentation yet, doing this now)
After updating, it sends the request when scrolling, but it doesn't work as expected yet:
Why is it sending requests for page 1 (1.json) again, directly after it requests page 2? This also causes that no grid item is displayed anymore - also page 1 items dissapear.
@alereisan Can I see your method in your controller and your html in your view?
<!-- Feed -->
<div layout-padding ng-controller="AuctionCtrl as vm">
<ul class="dynamic-grid" ag-infinite-scroll="vm.loadMoreShots()" angular-grid="vm.shots" ag-performant-scroll="false" ag-id="shots" ag-grid-width="230" ag-refresh-on-img-load="true" ag-gutter-size="10" style="margin: 0;">
<li ng-repeat="auction in vm.shots" class="grid">
<div ng-include="'auctions/_auction-card.html'"></div>
<div class="loading-more-indicator" ng-show="vm.loadingMore">
<md-progress-circular md-mode="indeterminate" md-diameter="128" class="progress-swatch"></md-progress-circular>
// Infinite Scroll Feed
var vm = this; = 0;
vm.shots = [];
vm.loadingMore = false;
vm.loadMoreShots = function() {
console.log("Trying to load more Shots...");
if(vm.loadingMore) {return};;
//var deferred = $q.defer();
vm.loadingMore = true;
var promise = $http.get('/auctions/feed/''.json');
promise.then(function(data) {
var shotsTmp = angular.copy(vm.shots);
shotsTmp = shotsTmp.concat(;
vm.shots = shotsTmp;
vm.loadingMore = false;
}, function() {
vm.loadingMore = false;
return promise;
You have not defined a scroll container, are you sure scroll is on body level?. If any of parent have overflow scroll you have to define that element as scroll container.
I changed my layout a little bit, now I have a<md-content id="content-scroller">
, added ag-scroll-container="#content scroller". but now i get this:
Replace ag-scroll-container="#content scroller"
with ag-scroll-container="#content-scroller"
. You just need to replace the space with a dash.
actually I have ag-scroll-container="#content-scroller"
in my code, just forgot it here because I wrote it instead of copy pasteing it. Same problem ..
Ok, writing it like: ag-scroll-container="'#content-scroller'"
with two extra '
solved this error, but then I get the same result as before (Page 1 shows up, but when scrolling everything disappears, request to get page 2 happens, and then multiple get page 1 requests, see my first screenshot above)
I found the problem: <div ng-include="'auctions/_auction-card.html'"></div>
- without ng-include it works.
Do you know why?
This issue been seperated out from #14 . As we were trying to solve two different problem there.