s-yadav / angulargrid

Pinterest like responsive masonry grid system for angular
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Infinite Scroll #31

Open s-yadav opened 8 years ago

s-yadav commented 8 years ago

This issue been seperated out from #14 . As we were trying to solve two different problem there.

s-yadav commented 8 years ago

Check a fork to support infinite scrol by @acondiff https://github.com/acondiff/angulargrid/blob/master/angulargrid.js, and example on codepen: http://codepen.io/acondiff/pen/yepggM .

s-yadav commented 8 years ago

Also check an example to use angulargrid with ngInfiniteScroll (http://sroze.github.io/ngInfiniteScroll/) . Codepen http://codepen.io/s-yadav/pen/EPoOZo

austincondiff commented 8 years ago

@s-yadav I really like your codepen fork using ngInfiniteScroll. I agree with you now that I think about it. Why reinvent the wheel if you don't have to. :)

helloflow commented 8 years ago

Really nice implementation with ngInfiniteScroll! However for some reason I can't make it work without angular-material. The infinite-scroll function is not firing when I try to set it up without angular-material. Any thoughts on this?

Are you planning to include this feature in the master branch so I can safely rely on my bower implementation?


s-yadav commented 8 years ago

@helloflow http://codepen.io/s-yadav/pen/EPoOZo Link has been updated to not to use ngInfiniteScroll, as ngInfiniteScroll will not work with a custom scroll. So added a minimal infinteScroll check on angulargrid itself, You can use angulargrid code from codepen example without ngInfinteScroll. Will update on the master branch once other issues been resolved and checked.

alereisan commented 8 years ago

@s-yadav I implemented exactly as in the codepen, also tried it with overflow:auto div. but i can't get infinite-scroll="vm.loadMoreShots()" to fire when my grid is scrolled to the bottom.

austincondiff commented 8 years ago

@alereisan Does you have a vm.loadMoreShots() method in your controller? Does it return a promise? Here is an example of the controller. Note that the method name is inconsequential.

app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, $http, $q) {
  var vm = this;
  $scope.card = {};
  $scope.card.title = '';
  vm.page = 0;
  vm.shots = [];
  vm.loadingMore = false;

  vm.loadMoreShots = function() {

    if(vm.loadingMore) return;
    vm.loadingMore = true;
    var promise = $http.get('https://api.dribbble.com/v1/shots/?per_page=24&page='+vm.page+'&access_token=3df6bcfc60b54b131ac04f132af615e60b0bd0b1cadca89a4761cd5d125d608f');
    promise.then(function(data) {

      var shotsTmp = angular.copy(vm.shots);
      shotsTmp = shotsTmp.concat(data.data);
      vm.shots = shotsTmp;
      vm.loadingMore = false;

    }, function() {
      vm.loadingMore = false;
    return promise;


s-yadav commented 8 years ago

@acondiff @alereisan So finally infiniteScroll is now bundled with angulargrid - 0.5.1. Use the master branch and check http://ignitersworld.com/lab/angulargrid/#infinte-scroll for example.

alereisan commented 8 years ago

@acondiff Yes, I used almost exactly the same setup like in the codepen, just with my own backend. When I refresh the page, the first 10 results (Page 1) are loaded. But when I scroll down to the end of "Page 1" it does not send a get "Page 2" request to the backend. (nothing seems to happen here anymore).

(Have not tried with new update / documentation yet, doing this now)

alereisan commented 8 years ago

After updating, it sends the request when scrolling, but it doesn't work as expected yet:


Why is it sending requests for page 1 (1.json) again, directly after it requests page 2? This also causes that no grid item is displayed anymore - also page 1 items dissapear.

austincondiff commented 8 years ago

@alereisan Can I see your method in your controller and your html in your view?

alereisan commented 8 years ago


      <!-- Feed  -->
      <div layout-padding ng-controller="AuctionCtrl as vm">
        <ul class="dynamic-grid" ag-infinite-scroll="vm.loadMoreShots()" angular-grid="vm.shots" ag-performant-scroll="false" ag-id="shots" ag-grid-width="230" ag-refresh-on-img-load="true" ag-gutter-size="10" style="margin: 0;">
          <li ng-repeat="auction in vm.shots" class="grid">
            <div ng-include="'auctions/_auction-card.html'"></div>
        <div class="loading-more-indicator" ng-show="vm.loadingMore">
          <md-progress-circular md-mode="indeterminate" md-diameter="128" class="progress-swatch"></md-progress-circular>


    // Infinite Scroll Feed
    var vm = this;

    vm.page = 0;
    vm.shots = [];
    vm.loadingMore = false;

    vm.loadMoreShots = function() {
      console.log("Trying to load more Shots...");
      if(vm.loadingMore) {return};
      //var deferred = $q.defer();
      vm.loadingMore = true;
      var promise = $http.get('/auctions/feed/'+vm.page+'.json');
      promise.then(function(data) {

        var shotsTmp = angular.copy(vm.shots);
        shotsTmp = shotsTmp.concat(data.data);
        vm.shots = shotsTmp;
        vm.loadingMore = false;

      }, function() {
        vm.loadingMore = false;
      return promise;

s-yadav commented 8 years ago

You have not defined a scroll container, are you sure scroll is on body level?. If any of parent have overflow scroll you have to define that element as scroll container.

alereisan commented 8 years ago

I changed my layout a little bit, now I have a<md-content id="content-scroller">, added ag-scroll-container="#content scroller". but now i get this:


austincondiff commented 8 years ago

Replace ag-scroll-container="#content scroller" with ag-scroll-container="#content-scroller". You just need to replace the space with a dash.

alereisan commented 8 years ago

actually I have ag-scroll-container="#content-scroller" in my code, just forgot it here because I wrote it instead of copy pasteing it. Same problem ..

alereisan commented 8 years ago

Ok, writing it like: ag-scroll-container="'#content-scroller'" with two extra ' solved this error, but then I get the same result as before (Page 1 shows up, but when scrolling everything disappears, request to get page 2 happens, and then multiple get page 1 requests, see my first screenshot above)

alereisan commented 8 years ago

I found the problem: <div ng-include="'auctions/_auction-card.html'"></div> - without ng-include it works.

Do you know why?