Open ghost opened 1 year ago
This is my actual code that I'm using now and after I put the cursor at the end I can't enter anything, how can I get around it?
<NumericFormat prefix="$" value={formik.values.value || '00.00'} error={!!formik.errors.value} onValueChange={handleChange} valueIsNumericString={true} wrapperInput={styles.numberFormat} decimalScale={2} fixedDecimalScale={true} disabled={!isCustomAmount} allowLeadingZeros={true} isAllowed={({ floatValue }) => { return ( floatValue === undefined || +floatValue < MAX_LIMIT_PAYMENT_PLAN ); }} classes={{ root: clsx(styles.inputPaymentPlan, { [styles.statementAmount]: !isCustomAmount, }), input: styles.inputSum, underline: styles.underlineHide, }} variant="standard" customInput={CustomInput} />
I expect that after the course is set at the end it will be possible to enter the amount
Describe the issue and the actual behavior
This is my actual code that I'm using now and after I put the cursor at the end I can't enter anything, how can I get around it?
Describe the expected behavior
I expect that after the course is set at the end it will be possible to enter the amount
Provide a CodeSandbox link illustrating the