s00500 / ESPUI

A simple web user interface library for ESP32 and ESP8266
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a "0" is displayed instead of the label o the button #294

Closed borisgraell closed 6 months ago

borisgraell commented 6 months ago

i was working with grouped controls, specifically, group buttons, at some point the string label of the first button was displaying a zero instead of the label, later i found out it happened to the first tab, too.

MartinMueller2003 commented 6 months ago

A sample of the code might help a bit. This has happened to me (not the zero but similar oddness). It usually means that you used a stack variable to initialize the string. since ESPUI uses pointers to strings, the strings need to remain in the calling code. I typically created a class wrapper around the controls to hold the strings I needed.

borisgraell commented 6 months ago

A sample of the code might help a bit. This has happened to me (not the zero but similar oddness). It usually means that you used a stack variable to initialize the string. since ESPUI uses pointers to strings, the strings need to remain in the calling code. I typically created a class wrapper around the controls to hold the strings I needed.

  uint16_t tab1 = ESPUI.addControl( ControlType::Tab, "Control", "Control" ); 
  uint16_t tab2 = ESPUI.addControl( ControlType::Tab, "Memoria Drills", "Guardar Drill" );         // id 02
  uint16_t tab3 = ESPUI.addControl( ControlType::Tab, "Memoria bolas", "Guardar bola" );     // id 03
  uint16_t tab4 = ESPUI.addControl( ControlType::Tab, "PROGR", "PROGR" ); // id 04

this is how i use the tab feature

but instead of "control" a 0 is display, just for the first tab

thank you in advance

edit: i deleted some of the grouped controls and the tab label showed again, maybe I'm using way too much of them?

MartinMueller2003 commented 6 months ago

All of those strings are stack variables. They do not have guaranteed persistence beyond the function scope.

This is how I do it: static const PROGMEM char BACKUP_TAB_STR [] = "Backup"; uint16_t backupTab = ESPUI.addControl (ControlType::Tab, "BACKUP", BACKUP_TAB_STR);

Doing it this way saves ram end ensures the names do not change. FYI: This may not be the issue you are facing. However, changing the order or the number of controls defined and having the symptoms change really does point to a persistence issue.

borisgraell commented 6 months ago

thank you Mr Mueller! i was grouping a slider to a button, i fixed the problem by doing it backwards, grouping buttons to a slider.

but i do like your way better, it would be easier to translate the frontend. i will give it a try

MartinMueller2003 commented 6 months ago

I normally create a label item and then group sliders, input fields and buttons to the label.

MartinMueller2003 commented 6 months ago

FYI: I have 9 tabs and up to 40 controls (some dynamically created and deleted) per tab. My smallest tab has 10 controles on it. Some of the improvements I have been making are due to having almost 300 controls on the UI.