Closed xyladecor closed 7 years ago
Are you using the ServiceAPI
? Because I haven't implemented a play all yet.
Disable this function in the settings and it should work.
I think not. This/my "Kodi Direct" version seems a "lean version" of Kodi, for enigma Set-Top-Boxes, cause there are not any settings available, the only settings options are these ->
I am afraid this "lean" Kodi Direct version is the reason for this problem.
if you open the context menu while using the tvthek addon there should be an item "addon settings". then you should be able to enable/disable the serviceAPI option.
do you have any possibility to get some debug log files from the error mentioned above?
When i select SETUP in the ORF TVthek plugin i have this options ->
I see nothing about a serviceAPI, i am afraid this KODI DIRECT dont contain it, for any reason.
I will try to find out how i can get a debug log on this, cause without such a log file (which is always emtpy at the moment) it is the seek of the needle in the sack.
But your plugin´s (puls4 und orf) are great, i love them! Thanks for the work!
thx @xyladecor. well looks like kodi direct doesnt handle the addon structure quite well. maybe something went wrong when u updated the addon. you could try remove the addon completely and reinstall. those are the settings that should be visible:
cheers, s0fa
My fault. on setup there is a line with "serviceAPI", i have changed the font size smaller, now there are mor otpions on the setup menu. So there was "false" on serviceAPI, now i have switched to "true", but it dont help, each chaptered show stopps after a chapter and i have to select the next chapter to play manually.
Settings.xml on my box looks like so:
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx the copied lines of the file are not visible here for any reason, so if you are interested the settings.xml of my box is here xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Its serious, but to play chaptered shows worked on earlier versions without any problems, there was only a short freezer betwwen the chapters.
I could fix kodi that i now get a log output. Maybe this can give you an overview why it dont play the whole show, the log says. (i used the show Bürgeranwalt")
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Here in default-py sys.argv = ['/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/KodiDirect/plugins/', '5', '?plugin://'] Here in default-py sys.argv B= ['plugin://', '5', '?link=1339&mode=openProgram'] CommonFunctions-2.5.1 xbmcplugin addDirectoryItem plug in url xbmcplugin addDirectoryItem 1 xbmcplugin addDirectoryItem data B = &name=[-Play-all-]&url= &thumbnailImage=DefaultFolder.png&iconlImage=
xbmcplugin addDirectoryItem 1 xbmcplugin addDirectoryItem data B = &name=Signation-|-Begrüßung&url= &thumbnailImage=DefaultFolder.png&iconlImage=
xbmcplugin addDirectoryItem 1 xbmcplugin addDirectoryItem data B = &name=Taxis-akzeptieren-oft-keine-Blindenhunde&url= &thumbnailImage=DefaultFolder.png&iconlImage=
xbmcplugin addDirectoryItem 1 xbmcplugin addDirectoryItem data B = &name=Auswirkungen-der-Verhandlungen-über-das-iranische-Atomprogramm&url= &thumbnailImage=DefaultFolder.png&iconlImage=
xbmcplugin addDirectoryItem 1 xbmcplugin addDirectoryItem data B = &name=Bau-der-Nordautobahn:-ASFINAG-macht-sich-unbeliebt&url= &thumbnailImage=DefaultFolder.png&iconlImage=
xmbc data B= &url= xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi @xyladecor ,
hm the logfile looks weird. can you try export a debug log with the following addon
cheers, s0fa
I think i have posted a wrong log. I tried again to watch "Bürgeranwalt" with "play all", that brings this log; i think this looks much useful as a log:
Here in default-py sys.argv = ['/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/KodiDirect/plugins/', '15', '?plugin://']
Here in default-py sys.argv B= ['plugin://', '15', '?mode=playlist']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/KodiDirect/plugins/", line 253, in
IndexError: list index out of range
I will check this Kodi_Log_Uploader too.
@xyladecor please try 0852aa8
When i edit the line 204-209 of the plugin dont start and i geht this error log:
Here in default-py sys.argv = ['/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/KodiDirect/plugins/', '1', '']
Here in default-py sys.argv B= ['plugin://', '1', '']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/KodiDirect/plugins/", line 27, in
But dont worry, i´m happy how it is. You dont have to make you the work to find the "play all" problem, especially it seems its a problem only on the enigma2 STB´s.
@xyladecor just replace False
in line 206 with Ture
or replace the the whole file with
I have replaced the current service.api with the one in the link above. Still not playing the show (Bürgeranwalt) at once. log says the following:
Here in default-py sys.argv = ['/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/KodiDirect/plugins/', '4', '?plugin://']
Here in default-py sys.argv B= ['plugin://', '4', '?mode=playlist']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/KodiDirect/plugins/", line 253, in
IndexError: list index out of range
please reopen if this is still an issue
I now tried 0.5.9 with kodi direct 3.1 (on an enigma2 STB box), it works fine. The only problem still exists is the point that i have to select each single chapter to play, and not to play the whole show in one. Not sure, maybe it is also a problem with this kodi version for set top boxes, but til a few weeks it was no problem to play chaptered shows in whole.