Closed miaaaahmed97 closed 4 years ago
I'm assuming you're using the BatchEncoder. Using the site, I was able to generate some example code:
(async () => {
// Pick one for your environment
// npm install node-seal
// yarn add node-seal
// ES6 or CommonJS
// import { Seal } from 'node-seal'
const { Seal } = require('node-seal')
// Wait for the web assembly to fully initialize
const Morfix = await Seal
// Encryption Parameters
// Create a new EncryptionParameters
const encParms = Morfix.EncryptionParameters({
schemeType: Morfix.SchemeType.BFV
// Assign Poly Modulus Degree
polyModulusDegree: 4096
// Create a C++ vector from JS string of integers representing bit-lengths of primes
const bitSizesVector = Morfix.Vector({
array: new Int32Array([36,36,37])
// Create a suitable set of CoeffModulus primes from the vector
const coeffModulusVector = Morfix.CoeffModulus.Create({
polyModulusDegree: 4096,
bitSizes: bitSizesVector,
securityLevel: Morfix.SecurityLevel.tc128
// Assign Coefficient Modulus
coeffModulus: coeffModulusVector
// Assign a PlainModulus (only for BFV scheme type)
plainModulus: Morfix.PlainModulus.Batching({
polyModulusDegree: 4096,
bitSize: 20,
// Context
// Create a new Context
const context = Morfix.Context({
encryptionParams: encParms,
expandModChain: true,
securityLevel: Morfix.SecurityLevel.tc128
// Helper to check if the Context was created successfully
if (!context.parametersSet) {
throw new Error('Could not set the parameters in the given context. Please try different encryption parameters.')
// Keys
// Create a new KeyGenerator (use uploaded keys if applicable)
const keyGenerator = Morfix.KeyGenerator({
// Get the SecretKey from the keyGenerator
const Keypair_A_sec = keyGenerator.getSecretKey()
// Get the PublicKey from the keyGenerator
const Keypair_A_pub = keyGenerator.getPublicKey()
// Variables
// Create the PlainText(s)
const Plain_A_pt = Morfix.PlainText()
const Plain_B_pt = Morfix.PlainText()
const Plain_Result_pt = Morfix.PlainText()
// Create the CipherText(s)
const Cipher_A_ct = Morfix.CipherText()
const Cipher_B_ct = Morfix.CipherText()
const Cipher_Result_ct = Morfix.CipherText()
// Instances
// Create an Evaluator
const evaluator = Morfix.Evaluator({ context })
// Create a BatchEncoder (only BFV SchemeType)
const batchEncoder = Morfix.BatchEncoder({ context })
// Create an Encryptor
const encryptor = Morfix.Encryptor({
publicKey: Keypair_A_pub
// Create a Decryptor
const decryptor = Morfix.Decryptor({
secretKey: Keypair_A_sec
// Homomorphic Functions
// Encode data to a PlainText
vector: Morfix.Vector({ array: new Int32Array([0,0,1]) }),
plainText: Plain_A_pt
// Encode data to a PlainText
vector: Morfix.Vector({ array: new Int32Array([1,0,0]) }),
plainText: Plain_B_pt
// Encrypt a PlainText
plainText: Plain_A_pt,
cipherText: Cipher_A_ct
// Encrypt a PlainText
plainText: Plain_B_pt,
cipherText: Cipher_B_ct
// Add CipherText B to CipherText A and store the sum in a destination CipherText
a: Cipher_A_ct,
b: Cipher_B_ct,
destination: Cipher_Result_ct
// Decrypt a CipherText
cipherText: Cipher_Result_ct,
plainText: Plain_Result_pt
// Decode data from a PlainText
// Create a vector to store the decoded PlainText
const destinationVector_Plain_Result_pt = Morfix.Vector({ array: new Int32Array() })
plainText: Plain_Result_pt,
vector: destinationVector_Plain_Result_pt
console.log('size', destinationVector_Plain_Result_pt.size)
// 4096
console.log('decoded', destinationVector_Plain_Result_pt.toArray() )
// yields [ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, ..., 0]
Tested on RunKit and it works. Keep in mind the batching will always yield a vector size equal to the PolyModulusDegree used for the EncryptionParameters when using BFV scheme. In your case, this appears to be 4096 elements. When creating a vector from an array with only 3 elements, this is internally extended and filled with zeros to 4096 (PolyModulusDegree) when encoding to a PlainText.
You would simply extract the first three elements from the output array.
I’m closing this for now as it appears to not be a library issue.
Hey. I'm trying to add two 'vectors' :
which in ciphertext are
, respectively.This is the code use to add them:
which outputs:
However, i require the result in the form
[1, 0, 1]
. How do I get that ?