s117 / anycore-riscv

The AnyCore toolset targetting the RISC-V ISA
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482.sphinx3 failed to read a input file #12

Closed s117 closed 4 years ago

s117 commented 4 years ago

The binary is compiled by the Linux Toolchain https://github.com/s117/riscv-gnu-toolchain/commit/d0bdaa9a282a32cc68e6203098dc1162021ceba7

$ spike -m2048 pk -c ./sphinx3_base.riscv ctlfile . args.an4

Requesting target memory 0x80000000
******* Resetting core ********** 
****Initializing the processor system****
******* Resetting core ********** 
******* Resetting core ********** 
****Initialization complete****
INFO: spec_main_live_pretend.c(120): Processing 24 beamsets
INFO: cmd_ln.c(276): Parsing command line:
INFO: kbcore.c(95): Initializing core models:
INFO: logs3.c(99): Initializing logbase: 1.000300e+00 (add table: 1)
35200 samples in ./cen8-fvap-b.raw will be decoded in blocks of 2000
38400 samples in ./cen8-marh-b.raw will be decoded in blocks of 2000
46400 samples in ./cen8-mdms2-b.raw will be decoded in blocks of 2000
FATAL_ERROR: "spec_main_live_pretend.c", line 152: Unable to read ./cen8-menk-b.raw
cycle = 2548464918
instret = 2548464925
******* Resetting core ********** 

However, the file cen8-menk-b.raw does exist in CWD, with correct permission.

$ ls -la cen8-mdms2-b.raw cen8-menk-b.raw

-rw-r--r-- 1 s117 s117 92800 Aug 26 23:48 cen8-mdms2-b.raw
-rw-r--r-- 1 s117 s117 80000 Aug 26 23:48 cen8-menk-b.raw
s117 commented 4 years ago

Shown by trace, the open() failed because the files resources used up.


s117 commented 4 years ago

By simply increasing the MAX_FDS and MAX_FILES, it is known: 256 fds & files will run 482.sphinx3 512 fds & files will run 628.pop2_s_ref

s117 commented 4 years ago

But statically allocating 512 fds & files results in an almost oversized kernel (end at 0x2000+0xdefc=0xfefc, very close to 0x10000, the planned kernel boundary)

$ riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-objdump -p pk

pk:     file format elf64-littleriscv

Program Header:
    LOAD off    0x0000000000002000 vaddr 0x0000000000002000 paddr 0x0000000000002000 align 2**13
         filesz 0x000000000000bb88 memsz 0x000000000000defc flags rwx

If I choose to increase the fds & files in this way, a future PK change can easily make the kernel oversize. The space reserved for fds & files must be allocated dynamically.

s117 commented 4 years ago

Updated PK to reserve a space for 1024 fds & files near the max_addr


s117 commented 4 years ago

482.sphinx3_ref finished with the 1024 fds & files patch.

$ spike -m2048 pk -c ./sphinx_livepretend_base.riscv ctlfile . args.an4

Requesting target memory 0x80000000
******* Resetting core ********** 
****Initializing the processor system****
******* Resetting core ********** 
******* Resetting core ********** 
****Initialization complete****
INFO: spec_main_live_pretend.c(120): Processing 24 beamsets
INFO: cmd_ln.c(276): Parsing command line:
INFO: kbcore.c(95): Initializing core models:
INFO: logs3.c(99): Initializing logbase: 1.000300e+00 (add table: 1)
35200 samples in ./cen8-fvap-b.raw will be decoded in blocks of 2000
38400 samples in ./cen8-marh-b.raw will be decoded in blocks of 2000
46400 samples in ./cen8-mdms2-b.raw will be decoded in blocks of 2000
40000 samples in ./cen8-menk-b.raw will be decoded in blocks of 2000
44800 samples in ./cen8-miry-b.raw will be decoded in blocks of 2000
28800 samples in ./cen8-mjgm-b.raw will be decoded in blocks of 2000
36800 samples in ./cen8-mjwl-b.raw will be decoded in blocks of 2000
36800 samples in ./cen8-mmxg-b.raw will be decoded in blocks of 2000
INFO: spec_main_live_pretend.c(172): Beam= -460509, PBeam= -460509, WBeam= -230254, SVQBeam= -153503
INFO: feat.c(971): Feature buffers initialized to 256 vectors
INFO: cmn_prior.c(72): mean[0]= 12.00, mean[1..12]= 0.0

 LatID  SFrm  EFrm        AScr     LScr Type
    40     0    35     -200885   -74100   -1 <sil>
   398    36    62     -700690  -148846    0 EIGHTY
  1181    63    97     -628933   -74100   -1 <sil>
  1502    98   127     -448924  -148846    0 NINE
  1620   128   135     -203707   -74100   -1 <sil>
  1977   136   152     -237933  -148846    0 EIGHT
  2436   153   197     -734671   -74100   -1 <sil>
  2438   198   198           0  -148846    0 </s>
           0   198    -3155743  -891784 (Total)

FWDVIT: 'EIGHTY NINE EIGHT ' (an391-mjwl-b)

FWDXCT: an391-mjwl-b S 0 T -4047527 A -3155743 L -891784 0 -200885 -74100 <sil> 36 -700690 -148846 EIGHTY 63 -628933 -74100 <sil> 98 -448924 -148846 NINE 128 -203707 -74100 <sil> 136 -237933 -148846 EIGHT 153 -734671 -74100 <sil> 198

INFO: utt.c(337):  198 frm;  1601 sen, 10116 gau/fr, Sen 0.00 CPU 0.00 Clk [Ovrhd 0.00 CPU 0.00 Clk];    739 hmm,  12 wd/fr, 0.00 CPU 0.00 Clk (an391-mjwl-b)
INFO: utt.c(375): HMMHist[0..0](an391-mjwl-b): 16(8)
INFO: lm.c(823):         0 tg(),         0 tgcache,        0 bo;     0 fills,        0 in mem (0.0%)
INFO: lm.c(826):    28182 bg(),    28178 bo;     1 fills,        1 in mem (50.0%)

 LatID  SFrm  EFrm        AScr     LScr Type
    41     0    35     -311054   -74100   -1 <sil>
   274    36    71     -391417  -148846    0 REPEAT
   287    72    80     -113156   -74100   -1 <sil>
   289    81    81           0  -148846    0 </s>
           0    81     -815627  -445892 (Total)

FWDXCT: cen8-mmxg-b S 0 T -3984874 A -2645906 L -1338968 0 -191226 -74100 <sil> 34 -105126 -148846 I 45 -376620 -148846 TWO 63 -233196 -148846 R 71 -232359 -148846 TWENTY 97 -438214 -148846 FOUR 137 -26732 -74100 <sil> 140 -471727 -148846 NINETEEN 181 -570706 -148846 SEVENTY 231

INFO: utt.c(337):  231 frm;   482 sen,  1559 gau/fr, Sen 0.00 CPU 0.00 Clk [Ovrhd 0.00 CPU 0.00 Clk];     93 hmm,   1 wd/fr, 0.00 CPU 0.00 Clk (cen8-mmxg-b)
INFO: utt.c(375): HMMHist[0..0](cen8-mmxg-b): 8(3)
INFO: lm.c(823):         0 tg(),         0 tgcache,        0 bo;     0 fills,        0 in mem (0.0%)
INFO: lm.c(826):      339 bg(),      336 bo;     0 fills,        1 in mem (50.0%)
INFO: live.c(354): SUMMARY:  759765 fr;  792 sen, 3345 gau/fr, 0.00 xCPU [0.00 xOvrhd];  262 hmm/fr, 4 wd/fr, 0.00 xCPU;  
cycle = 3506418276226
instret = 3506418276233
******* Resetting core ********** 
s117 commented 4 years ago

628.pop2_s_ref also finished with the 1024 fds & files patch.

$ spike -m16384 pk -c speed_pop2_base.riscv-m64

Requesting target memory 0x400000000
******* Resetting core ********** 
****Initializing the processor system****
******* Resetting core ********** 
******* Resetting core ********** 
****Initialization complete****
(seq_comm_setcomm)  initialize ID (  7 GLOBAL ) pelist   =     0     0     1 ( npes =     1) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_setcomm)  initialize ID (  2   ATM  ) pelist   =     0     0     1 ( npes =     1) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_setcomm)  initialize ID (  1   LND  ) pelist   =     0     0     1 ( npes =     1) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_setcomm)  initialize ID (  4   ICE  ) pelist   =     0     0     1 ( npes =     1) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_setcomm)  initialize ID (  5   GLC  ) pelist   =     0     0     1 ( npes =     1) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_setcomm)  initialize ID (  3   OCN  ) pelist   =     0     0     1 ( npes =     1) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_setcomm)  initialize ID (  6   CPL  ) pelist   =     0     0     1 ( npes =     1) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_joincomm) initialize ID (  8 CPLATM ) join IDs =     6     2       ( npes =     1) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_joincomm) initialize ID (  9 CPLLND ) join IDs =     6     1       ( npes =     1) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_joincomm) initialize ID ( 10 CPLICE ) join IDs =     6     4       ( npes =     1) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_joincomm) initialize ID ( 11 CPLOCN ) join IDs =     6     3       ( npes =     1) ( nthreads =  1)
(seq_comm_joincomm) initialize ID ( 12 CPLGLC ) join IDs =     6     5       ( npes =     1) ( nthreads =  1)

 (seq_comm_printcomms) ID layout : global pes vs local pe for each ID
     gpe        LND      ATM      OCN      ICE      GLC      CPL    GLOBAL   CPLATM   CPLLND   CPLICE   CPLOCN   CPLGLC    nthrds
     ---      ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------   ------    ------
       0   :       0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        1

 (t_initf) Read in prof_inparm namelist from: drv_in
MCT::m_Router::initp_: GSMap indices not increasing...Will correct
MCT::m_Router::initp_: RGSMap indices not increasing...Will correct
MCT::m_Router::initp_: RGSMap indices not increasing...Will correct
MCT::m_Router::initp_: GSMap indices not increasing...Will correct
cycle = 26335209160215
instret = 26335209160222
******* Resetting core ********** 
s117 commented 4 years ago

Commit d0401da incorporated this patch.