s1ddok / pix2pix-s4tf

pix2pix implementation using Swift for TensorFlow
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CoreML/Metal? #1

Open alelordelo opened 4 years ago

alelordelo commented 4 years ago

Awesome stuff!

Any plans for a CoreML/Metal model?


s1ddok commented 4 years ago

There is a great article out there on how to convert S4TF models to CoreML. I'm more interested in training side right now, but converting should be more or less straightforward. I would love to see a contribution on this

alelordelo commented 4 years ago

Yup, converting is not a problem, you can easily do that. What I am looking for is a Metal/CoreML implementation for training pix2pix, so you could train on a mac (like you do with CreateML for ex).

s1ddok commented 4 years ago

Oh, I see. Honestly I'm not sure if Metal or CoreML is capable of doing such a complex training. Even if it is, I think it is still in very early stage to invest time into such trainings, even though I would LOVE to use my Mac instead of remote linux server

alelordelo commented 4 years ago

Did you check this? 😉


Check out Build customized ML models with the Metal Performance Shaders Graph from #wwdc20

A GAN trained on iPad Pro

s1ddok commented 4 years ago

Yup, but it basically requires you to reimplement the whole thing from scratch, S4TF does not support it