s1lentq / ReGameDLL_CS

:hammer: Reverse-engineered gamedll (CS 1.6 / CZero)
GNU General Public License v3.0
575 stars 197 forks source link

The bomb disappears when switching to observers via rg_join_team. #498

Open SadWaifu opened 4 years ago

SadWaifu commented 4 years ago

Screenshot_12 .

twisterniq commented 4 years ago

Instead of a screenshot, I think it's better to give a link to the line code.

SadWaifu commented 4 years ago

Instead of a screenshot, I think it's better to give a link to the line code.

w0w, ne na4inay tut)


Giferns commented 4 years ago

You need to use user_kill() + rg_set_user_team(). rg_join_team() is intended for use on the first team choice (after player join a server) to properly put him into game.

afwn90cj93201nixr2e1re commented 4 years ago

Вообще он прав, наверное логичнее было бы дропать бомбу, нет?

Vaqtincha commented 4 years ago

Вообще то переходить спектам без кила нельзя по дефольту (а там дроп бомбы есть).

Это проблема говнокодера.

fant1kua commented 4 years ago

Join Team must be called only when player Put In Server. In other times must be used rg_set_user_team with killing player. Because rg_join_team force joining without join steps (show motd, team menu and skin).

afwn90cj93201nixr2e1re commented 4 years ago

Ну а зачем тогда по вашему там обнуляют has c4? Как по мне так typo.

StevenKal commented 4 years ago

Welcome to github.ru! Hum no! My mistake! I'm on github.com!

When the non-idiots Russians are gonna teach to those two lead idiots, arrogants and show-off Russians to speak English over here? To both concerned, keep your native language(s) for your chat messages at through Steam & other private areas, or Russian-only forums. But for god sake stop using Russian here (and on other English forums), this is trully boring... Your stupid mentality at acting like if you were alone in the world (Russians only, and the other people do not exist... or smell shit?), or/and, maybe think "the Russian is the language of god" (while it's not!), or/and annoy all the others who do not speak Russian and have to translate your words via Google Translate to have a brief idea of that you say, is very annoying and you seem to like that and do not see the problem. The worst part is the fact I'm pretty sure you speak English well. The other bad part is when you speak Russian on a topic where the original creator used the English (case here).

The Re* projects are maybe developped by Russians, but they are used by people from the worldwide, so it will be better to make efforts at thinking of them. Most of the important support & database regarding those projects are split in multiple "Russian-only" websites, so if, on the GitHub area, this also speak Russian, this reduces the interest we have regarding those projects, and so, people are gonna dislike those things.

So I invite some Russian people with more principles, to teach to those both guys, some good-sense concepts to respect on communities websites/forums, because I've the feeling no one had the balls to told them to stop their crap. Well, if nobody dares to tell them, I do!

afwn90cj93201nixr2e1re commented 4 years ago

Our local conversation not related to everyone, you can skip it, not every message is relevant, we are writing some relevant messages on english. It's just disscussion, for better understand, on our language.

Vaqtincha commented 4 years ago

@afwn90cj93201nixr2e1re O4erodnoy rusofob. Nikto ne doldejen govorit tak 4tobi ego ponimali vse. Komu nujno pust tot nau4itsya ne nravitsya - mimo. Mne nikto ne mojet ukazivat na kakom yazike pisat. Daje poluumniy dibil steven, jackson, george, billy, hu hang hu, big dick, gay boy, lgbt u4astnik ili tomu podobnoe.

etojuice commented 4 years ago

Зачем вы тратите время на этого челика? СтивенКал, чтоб вы понимали, внедрял бекдоры в свой форк "amx mod"-а (не X). А также прикреплял нелициприятные изображения к аватарке или даже фоткам аркшайна. Как-то так)

@StevenKal We remember who you are and what you've done to amx mod. Will you ever shut up? )))