s2underground / GhostNet

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More Euro/Aus, V/UHF network entry, state-level ops #22

Open ashworthpayne opened 2 weeks ago

ashworthpayne commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for reading.

I'd like to see more euro/aus activity and to that end, I'd like to suggest daily bridge operations rather than weekly.

I'd also like to suggest a proposal for v/uhf station inclusion as a limited ingress point to the js8call networks. When I say limited I mean no Omnis, no repeaters, no FM. This is for h-polarized SSB weak signal stations which take advantage of their unique properties during unique times.

And finally, I'd like to suggest 80m daily call window for states, regions, or whatever else.

I have come to realize that the gn is ad hoc and chaotic by nature. I appreciate this design. But I also use my radio as a hobby and calling CQ and exchanging 5/9 reports is boring. I'd rather be using my gear for the purpose of collecting objective news from real humans from around the world thank you very much. If this desire furthers the utility of GN, so be it.

RType23 commented 2 weeks ago

UK user here with Ham foundation and not really doing anything with it. Very interested in GN for sometime, but limited means atm. Would appreciate commentary on minimum viable build.

ashworthpayne commented 2 weeks ago

I'd say a bare-minimum setup would be a rig, interface and pc, and a 40m antenna. A 20m antenna would help as well.

Edit: Sorry about the rambling/haywire post earlier. I had just finished a cross-country drive and was completely wiped-out when I replied.

edit21 commented 2 weeks ago

Another UK user, is there a 40m schedule yet for EU/UK. I can help where needed. RType23, QDX Digital Transceiver and a good 40m half wave dipole will be a good start. Whats the JS8Call US schedule, will look out for the Bcast.

From: RType23 @.> Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2024 9:32 AM To: s2underground/GhostNet @.> Cc: Subscribed @.***> Subject: Re: [s2underground/GhostNet] More Euro/Aus, V/UHF network entry, state-level ops (Issue #22)

UK user here with Ham foundation and not really doing anything with it. Very interested in GN for sometime, but limited means atm. Would appreciate commentary on minimum viable build.

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ashworthpayne commented 2 weeks ago

Download a copy of the ghost net pdf, print and bind it (three-hole punch and binder). You might add a blank sheet as a cover with your station details/notes (like your grid square, local time conversion, times/freqs for nets and bridged etc etc) for rapid recall. The ghost net pdf is information-dense, almost to its own detriment. Having I hardcopy near the radio gives you something to read with a cup of coffee on rainy days or when DX stinks.

On YouTube, find Ham Radio Made Simple and watch his js8call video. It's quite good and covers the important issue of clock sync and timing. You'll want to be proficient at this.

You might also grab the js8call docs and read those. Lastly, operate js8call off-net for a few days. The standard call freqs make for good watering holes. You can get proficient in a few sessions.

Once you're feeling good about using the network: start building your human network. Or don't. Expert network operators have their own value. But let's be honest, any network is only as valuable as the information it can carry.