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Transcript Dump #740

Open s2ward opened 1 week ago

s2ward commented 1 week ago

Dumps of transcripts that are unordered and might or might not be included in the database yet.
See this as a very lazy issue.

Sometimes i will remove and edit some transcripts here in favor of creating an issue.

Note: A transcript dump system could be implemented here, e.g. a workflow which scans the database vs transcript snippets in comments here to find unique stuff. Could also be a simple web app which takes chaotic input and compares against the transcript database. Adding any features such as automatic PRs from this system would be something for later and would take considerable effort to accomplish, so it should be minimal.

s2ward commented 1 week ago


Player: (idle)
11:46 Morax: Zzzz... tea... Oh... tea...chrrr...zzz...
11:46 Morax: Zzzz... tea... I'll make a cup of tea...zzzz...
11:47 Morax: Zzzz.... chrzzz....

20:28 Cony Island [675]: waters
20:28 Morax: The waters of the city <mumble> polluted, cut off. Terror sleeps in the deep cistern. We need water... will you help?
20:28 Cony Island [675]: no
20:28 Morax: <sigh> Oh, well... good bye, then. (idle)
20:29 Cony Island [675]: waters
20:29 Cony Island [675]: hi
20:29 Morax: Chrzzz.... tea... hm? Oh - hello...
20:29 Cony Island [675]: waters
20:29 Morax: The waters of the city <mumble> polluted, cut off. Terror sleeps in the deep cistern. We need water... will you help?
20:29 Cony Island [675]: yes
20:29 Morax: Good... Three levers for central flows... pull them. Transform the guardian dreams and take the essence they guard ...
20:29 Morax: It's dangerous to go alone...Take this. Use it to entrance... poison thorns... shiversleep. <mumble>
20:29 Cony Island [675]: shiversleep
20:29 Morax: Zzz... Weak... cannot control their brethren. <mumble>
20:30 Cony Island [675]: pendulum
20:30 Morax: You lost ...the pendulum? Ah... but you hold it. Right there. It does that, yes. Go now.
20:31 Cony Island [675]: pendulum
20:31 Morax: You lost ...the pendulum? Ah... not good. Let me make one for you... <mumble> Rosh atkat... travii. <mumble> Here. Go.

0:30 Cony Island [675]: waters
20:30 Morax: The waters of the city <mumble> polluted, cut off... you must pull the levers... transform the guardians...
20:30 Cony Island [675]: levers
20:30 Morax: The three wheels for the central underground flows are blocked... Off the main pool they go. ...
20:30 Morax: The levers are nearby, but guarded by the stair labyrinth... Sections are cut off from one another.... infested with beasts, now.
20:30 Cony Island [675]: waters
20:30 Morax: The waters of the city <mumble> polluted, cut off... you must pull the levers... transform the guardians...
20:31 Cony Island [675]: guardians
20:31 Morax: Used to ward off pests... Now, without masters... grown wild, feral... multiplied... Waters soiled... ...
20:31 Morax: Guardian shiversleeps must be transformed back. But many others there now... dangerous.

20:33 Cony Island [675]: ancient crystal
20:33 Morax: In the mines... sleep the crude dreams of the ancients ...
20:33 Morax: We need the dreams to rebuild the city... will you bring me the ancient dreams...?
20:33 Cony Island [675]: the heart of midnight
20:33 Morax: Chrrrrzzz - Huh? What? Yes? No?
20:33 Cony Island [675]: yes
20:34 Morax: Take a dream nebuliser from the box at the mine entrance... Use it to detach the ancient dreams from the rock. ...
20:34 Morax: Veil yourself with fog from the lanterns first ... Only when veiled are you a little protected against the dreams' evil and can detach them. ...
20:34 Morax: Be careful. They crumble easily and are guarded by terror sleeps. Farewell.

20:35 Cony Island [675]: dream
20:35 Morax: You were there... the dreams you found, give them to me.
20:35 Cony Island [675]: no
20:35 Morax: <sigh> The Heart of Midnight will never be reborn again.... <mumble> <sigh>

20:37 Cony Island [675]: tea
20:37 Morax: Ah... You would fetch... me a cup of tea, yes?
20:37 Cony Island [675]: no
20:37 Morax: Oh. Pity. Well... goodbye... chrzzz...
20:37 Cony Island [675]: hi
20:37 Morax: Chrzzz.... tea... hm? Oh - hello...
20:37 Cony Island [675]: tea
20:37 Morax: Ah... You would fetch... me a cup of tea, yes?
20:37 Cony Island [675]: yes
20:37 Morax: Oh, good... A cup of tea will be good...

10:13 Hamfly [683]: hi
10:13 Vasko: Hello, small one.
10:13 Hamfly [683]: name
10:13 Vasko: I am Vasko.
10:13 Hamfly [683]: job
10:13 Vasko: I'm guarding this door. Boring job.
10:13 Hamfly [683]: time
10:13 Vasko: I don't care.
10:23 Hamfly [683]: door / mission / quest / task
10:23 Vasko: Doctor told me not to open the door for anyone. But doesn't give me enough food. Wants me to work for him but lets me starve. Not funny. You know what? Bring me some food and I will open the door for you. ...
10:23 Vasko: Bugs ... so tasty but I ate all of them down here. And mushrooms. They are most delicious when spiced and cooked. Mushroom pie! That's it. I want the meat of ten bugs and a mushroom pie.
10:24 Hamfly [683]: door / mission / quest / task
10:24 Vasko: Bring me the food I asked for: the meat of ten juicy bugs and a mushroom pie. Then I will open the door for you.
10:14 Hamfly [683]: bye
10:14 Vasko: Hrm.

Rathleton, henry bug was fixed after i reported it :) https://talesoftibia.com/npsearch/?s=sweet-tempered+lady

2:30 Cony Island [675]: henry
12:30 Alaistar: Henry was a good friend. You... you tell me you have a letter for me? Did you see Maro? This concerns him as well.
12:31 Cony Island [675]: emily
12:31 Alaistar: A very brave and sweet-tempered lady. She has been through much. She likes visitors, though she hardly ever has one, these days.
12:31 Cony Island [675]: Maro
12:31 Alaistar: Ah, he is my pride and joy! Who would have thought minotaurs could be that intelligent and diligent? It is time to rethink their status. If only someone could make a peaceful contact. Not that I haven't tried. <shakes head sadly>
12:31 Cony Island [675]: henry
12:31 Alaistar: Henry was a good friend. You... you tell me you have a letter for me? Did you see Maro? This concerns him as well.
12:31 Cony Island [675]: yes
12:31 Alaistar: Really? Did you know that Maro used to be my trusted messenger? Always during the time I was abroad studying the minotaurs. ...
12:31 Alaistar: He stayed in contact with Henry, until Henry broke off the contact. Maro roamed the streets, but when ravaging minotaurs pillaged the lower city, he was no longer safe, what with the curfew and all. ...
12:31 Alaistar: And then he had the shop to look after. <sigh> I feel we have let Henry down. All these years, he has strived for a cure, all alone. But now, there is hope! At least, I think so - wait, let me read his message first.
12:32 Cony Island [675]: message
12:32 Alaistar: Henry was a good friend. You... you tell me you have a letter for me? Did you see Maro? This concerns him as well.
12:32 Cony Island [675]: no
12:32 Alaistar: Maro was always my trusted messenger whenever I was abroad for a while, studying the minotaurs. ...
12:32 Alaistar: He stayed in contact with Henry, until Henry broke off the contact. Maro roamed the streets, but when ravaging minotaurs pillaged the lower city, he was no longer safe, what with the curfew and all. ...
12:32 Alaistar: And then he had the shop to look after. <sigh> I feel we have let Henry down. All these years, he has strived for a cure, all alone. But now, there is hope! At least, I think so - wait, let me read his message first.

13:17 Cony Island [675]: hi
13:17 Strange Pipe: You are not the person I'm looking for - yet. (idle)


12:51 Torrunka [2]: rookgaard
12:51 Inigo: I'm sorry, but I cannot let you go there, you'll get much better training here than on that ancient isle.
15:34 Simael [2]: rookgaard
15:34 Inigo: Hmmm. Long time I visited that isle. Not very exciting place. Why do you ask? Do you wish to go there?
15:34 Simael [2]: no
15:34 Inigo: A wise decision. It's much better here, believe me. Been there, done that.
15:35 Simael [2]: yes
15:35 Inigo: Careful, careful, it's a one-way ticket only! You can never come back here if you leave now, and you will lose all your Dawnport equipment and products! ...
15:35 Inigo: Are you SURE you want to LEAVE Dawnport for ROOKGAARD? 
15:35 Simael [2]: sure / leave
15:35 Inigo: Then so be it. I'm sorry to see you go, but if this is what you want, step this way... right. Now, cover your eyes... GO!
13:36 Hamfly [683]: hi
13:36 Rascalio: Nothing here to be seen. Just an innocent rascoohan and his boat. Move on!