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Web User Account: Update email or password & Enh. requests. #47

Closed Eternal9100 closed 2 months ago

Eternal9100 commented 8 months ago

When attempting to update email userid or password from the web account, you are redirected to the online s3 client.

Enhancement Request 1: 2FA for user account

Enchancement Request 2: Pricing info lacks "per" info, per seat, per device, per email address?

Otherwise looking promising.

tomekit commented 8 months ago

Thanks for your feedback !

When attempting to update email userid or password from the web account, you are redirected to the online s3 client.

That's correct, but since you should end up being logged it automatically does it really matter? Such approach allow us to provide "login" related functionality not just on web, but also natively on all other platforms. We might end up reimplementing "auth functions" on our main website anyway, but since we're making crucial changes to auth system we need to finalize internal work first.

Enhancement Request 1: 2FA for user account

This is work in progress. It's 90% implemented already, but due to certain technical issues that we've discovered with the auth provider that we use, we've postponed that work until these are resolved. Given that current S3Drive account is used only for purposes of getting a license/subscription, no credentials are shared and we don't yet provide data plans, the security implications of no 2FA are not that huge. Stay tuned, we shall have it ready around ~Q1 2024.

Enchancement Request 2: Pricing info lacks "per" info, per seat, per device, per email address?

We'll aim to improve messaging on our website.

In principle all licenses are per user, available on all their devices.

Current lifetime license is only available for personal use and not transferable.

Our business license is advertised as per user, but since it's not a named license and e-mail can be changed it's technically "per seat" license. We aim to provide perpetual per seat license for businesses.

Are you interested in a particular one?

Thanks !

Eternal9100 commented 8 months ago

@tomekit Seems to me that the gaps in the market are for Android (I don't use IOS) and something for Linux that is a bit easier to set up then Rclone and FUSE. For Windows I use Cyberduck/MountainDuck. Whilst Rclone works well in Windows WinFSP has poor integration with Win Explorer, so most S3 mounters use the commercial CBFS. Likewise Sync, nothing very easy to use with S3. Although you want to add Onedrive and Gdrive, It seems to me than other than Linux they are well served. If you are worried about privacy don't use MS or Google. So for Linux the competition is Expandrive. Rclone Browser I think has been orphaned and needs a lot of work I will probably go all in Linux desktop after the end of Windows 10.

For Android, I have tested with Storj, and so far only three obervations, that thumbnail storage is full size file, and it needs some sort of pin code protection. For file copy, the app exposes more than it should (like system traces!) Screenshot_20231213-183907

Solid Explorer has dropped S3 support, but is great image gallery, Foldersync is a great s3 client but the file browser is very basic. DAVx5 can mount dav drives on the android file system, but does not do s3. So an efficient S3 gallery app it the one for me.

That's correct, but since you should end up being logged it automatically does it really matter? Such approach allow us to provide "login" related functionality not just on web, but also natively on all other platforms.

I don't understand that. What is the point of having an account at all. Where does the data go? How do you manage licencing unless the user can log in and manage it? I also don't understand data plans, Is this a proxy service with Electron desktop clients.

I'm tempted, but presently the website lacks information, but what you are doing looks interesting. No one seems to be able to make Linux deskop GUI and Android S3 a viable business. :(

tomekit commented 8 months ago

Hi @Eternal9100,

Thank you for your comment.

It seems that you really know the market and strengths / weaknesses of each software. What we're doing is filling gaps between all of these solutions. At the moment we keep adding functionality: https://s3drive.app/changelog using "quick win" approach, we use existing standards (e.g. encryption - https://rclone.org/crypt/) and libraries but there will be a development phase where we will be further improving ecosystem to extract highest performance and ease of use.

You seem to be covering lots of topics in one go, let me answer one by one.

something for Linux that is a bit easier to set up then Rclone and FUSE

Currently it's one click from S3Drive from the tray icon. In a next release Rclone installation will no longer be required, whereas FUSE gets automatically installed (at least when .deb package is used). It's a single command install anyway: https://docs.s3drive.app/install/#linux_1

For Windows I use Cyberduck/MountainDuck.

If that's your interest, we plan to integrate with Cryptomator: https://docs.s3drive.app/setup/cryptomator/

Whilst Rclone works well in Windows WinFSP has poor integration with Win Explorer, so most S3 mounters use the commercial CBFS.

Thanks for the hint, we will be exploring alternatives to WinFSP to improve integration with Win Explorer.

Likewise Sync, nothing very easy to use with S3.

We provide syncing (although still quite experimental) on desktop and one way media backup on Android and iOS. In next release we will provide interface to: https://rclone.org/commands/rclone_sync/ and https://rclone.org/bisync/ which should satisfy most use cases.

If you are worried about privacy don't use MS or Google.

Our integration is certainly opt-in and doesn't use proprietary components. Docs: https://rclone.org/onedrive/ and https://rclone.org/drive/ People seem to be interested in interoperability and keeping their valuable data backed up at multiple cloud providers, so here we are.

For Android, I have tested with Storj, and so far only three obervations, that thumbnail storage is full size file,

We plan improvements to our thumbnail logic: https://s3drive.canny.io/feature-requests/p/generate-thumbnails In order to generate the thumbnail one needs to download a full image anyway, so why just don't bother and show the full size image? That's what we do currently, as it was the easiest to start with. The drawback is increased device resource usage due to UI that needs to handle big image... and thumbnails are regenerated on all devices separately (there is no shared thumbnail cache). We will improve that.

and it needs some sort of pin code protection.

It's on our roadmap, currently in progress: https://s3drive.canny.io/feature-requests/p/lock-screen-pin-biometric-face-id

the app exposes more than it should (like system traces!)

Can you please provide more details about that? As mentioned in our privacy policy (https://s3drive.app/privacy), our error reporting is integrated with Sentry, you can disable error reporting in the Settings menu.

What is the point of having an account at all.

There are 3 major aspects.

Currently it's licensing.

Within the next few months account will be used as a central exchange point of listing sync feature where changes on one end will be immediately available on your other device: https://s3drive.canny.io/feature-requests/p/cross-client-online-sync-immediate-listing-update

In 2024 we plan to sell storage plans at competitive price to other clouds and S3 providers, current account is preparation for that.

Where does the data go?

Data goes to where you point the S3Drive. At the moment we support S3, but in January 2024 we plan to release support for 40+ different back-ends. S3: https://s3drive.app/faq?q=howitworks https://docs.s3drive.app/setup/#s3-providers

Rclone: https://docs.s3drive.app/setup/import_rclone/ https://rclone.org/overview/

How do you manage licencing unless the user can log in and manage it?

In-app purchase for Android, iOS and macOS.

I also don't understand data plans

We currently don't provide data plans, unless you refer to our testing 12GB that we provide data to try out app's functionality. This account is meant for testing purposes and not production use (there is a notice when you try using it).

Is this a proxy service with Electron desktop clients

It's not a proxy and we're not using Electron. On each platform you run a native client compiled to native code from a high level cross-platform framework, web included.

I'm tempted, but presently the website lacks information, but what you are doing looks interesting.

We're constantly evolving and improving our website and docs for better clarity. We're undergoing major improvements after which we will come back to website to reflect our changes.

No one seems to be able to make Linux deskop GUI and Android S3 a viable business. :(

We're ourselves Linux users and feel very proud that we can provide linux client (we're on Flathub by the way: https://flathub.org/en-GB/apps/io.kapsa.drive), at the same time viable business requires steady money flow to keep their costs at least, not even talking about profits. This is not inline with Linux world where most users expect solution to be entirely free and have more time to pursue alternatives - less likely to pay for convenience. In our case maintaining linux client doesn't come at a huge cost, so we can afford it... but the truth is that if we were to target Linux only we would actually struggle to properly maintain our espresso machine.

I hope that this helps to understand our operations little bit. If you have any more questions please don't hesitate to reach out to me either here or our Support channel: https://s3drive.app/support

tomekit commented 8 months ago

DAVx5 can mount dav drives on the android file system, but does not do s3.

This will also gets implemented: https://s3drive.canny.io/feature-requests/p/android-mount-point-save-to-share-support with non-binding ETA being around Q2 2024.

Eternal9100 commented 8 months ago

OK, I have signed up to pro for the year under another email address, I did not know about the canny.io feature requests so sorry for any duplication. However, once signed in the stripe subs management page reveals rather more about the subscription and payment method than I would like with just a password. It does not let me delete card details to re-enter on a subscription reminder, I don't keep card details on Amazon, Ebay or anywhere and they have pin code generator 2FA. I think this should be under 2FA as soon as you can manage it. I have tried the appimage under linux mint and got a couple of display artifacts so I'll try with .deb and see how we get on with filesystem mounts. Does it give an indication of updates. I'm no expert but repos or PPA's seem like a lot of work.

With respect to thumbnails, these are pretty big files and that's an issue for mobile, so having low res proxy storage was what I was getting at. With respect to a fuse for windows, if you want open source, it has to be winfsp. It maintained and it works very well but you have to temper your expectations as regards integration with explorer. The rclone maintainers work to it as well. You may find the integration good enough. Mountainduck uses CBFS Connect so it's a commercial decision. The other open source Win Fuse called Dokany I think is now orphaned.


Ah espresso machines... I have a love/hate time with mine (Rancillio Sylvia and Gaggia FrankenClassic)

All the best E9100

tomekit commented 8 months ago

Thank for you supporting the project. I take your point and I am fully with you on 2FA, we will prioritize this work and have it implemented sooner than later. I've removed your credit card details from Stripe to stay on the safe side. Please let me know if you would like me to delete your other details (I am not sure if this is going to affect the Receipt/Invoice though).

I have tried the appimage under linux mint and got a couple of display artifacts [...] I'm no expert but repos or PPA's seem like a lot of work.

I've made a note to check our AppImage on Linux Mint. If it's a standard issue with a single dependency we'll likely be able to resolve it in a next release. As you can imagine managing support for all Linux distros isn't entirely easy and rewarding task and requires lots of resources (to test all variations) which we currently don't have.

so I'll try with .deb and see how we get on with filesystem mounts.

Cool, please let me know if you come across any issue.

Does it give an indication of updates.

Yes, in the settings there is a toggle at the bottom which enables/disables version checking, so you should get a notification once a new one is available.

With respect to thumbnails, these are pretty big files and that's an issue for mobile, so having low res proxy storage was what I was getting at.

What would be your preferred workflow? Would you like S3Drive to generate thumbnail on desktop and then mobile would simply use them once available and fallback to "thumbnail generation" only if thumbnail wasn't previously generated? ... or do you have different workflow in mind?

Eternal9100 commented 8 months ago

I have had a look at both the Android, Win (.exe) and .deb clients and there is a lot to take o, so I'm not expecting instant results.

  1. For desktop FS mounts do not work. You have said that you will be including rclone in the package in future for Win but I use rclone for Linux successfully with fuse3 and I know it works, so I don't think its a system problem but I may be wrong.
  2. In both cases I selected "hide" for the test s3 volume, it seems I managed to copy some data to it which was only visible in Lin. The data was of no value but I cannot delete the folder. I think it might be better to separate the S3Drive account from the cloud drives in order to ensure that the data does not end up in the wrong cloud.
  3. There are numerous artifacts in Lin (Mint 21.2) including the hamburger menu becoming transparent when scrolling items and random striped and dots in both .deb and appimage.
  4. A mint bug, possibly just MATE: the menu item icon must be png or it will not display in the menu list but can display as a desktop shortcut. Please consider changing the icon from svg to png.
  5. Scaling problems with Android. Most notably the account toast makes it quite hard to sign in to the management account.
  6. Finally, thanks for removing some of the details from the stripe account. The receipt went through with no problem but both the invoice and receipt are still visible. If I had put in any personal information other than the the duck address would be visible on the invoice and receipt and again without 2FA. I notice that the plan auto-renews on 14 December 2024. I did not opt in to auto renew so please switch this off. and please add the option not to keep the payment card details online. I have copies of the receipt so please remove that too. Once the 2FA is in I would be a bit less concerned about this.
  7. You said that there was no need to be able to change the main account email and password at the account management web, but this option is available at the client? I haven't tried it but I assume you think it is necessary if its there.

You asked about the workflow. What I want for Android is for local thumbnails in low res on the phones storage. Currently the thumbnails are full size images. So a file browser with a gallery mode for clouds it what I want. Solid Explorer does this really well but no longer supports S3 and I don't think the dev has any plans to bring it back.

I hope you will get there eventually

Screenshot at 2023-12-18 19-13-22

The blue lines on the screenshot above are the artifacts. I made the white line a bit thick!

Screenshot_20231215-072905 Screenshot_20231215-072928 Screenshot_20231216-171244

tomekit commented 8 months ago

Hi again,

Thank you for your valuable feedback and sorry for the delay.

This is to let you know that we've released version 1.7.0 which has lots of improvements (https://s3drive.app/changelog), especially around the disk mount and required dependencies. It also received couple updates regarding UI glitches in .deb and .AppImage packages caused by the inclusion of zenity which we have now removed (this doesn't necessarily fix the issues that you're experiencing as we didn't have time to play around Mint just yet). Android glitches aren't exactly addressed yet, but correct me if I am wrong you must be using pretty unusual screen width.

Regarding billing I've disabled auto-renewal invoice/receipt removal, unfortunately I can't delete an invoice for a running subscription. I could delete your virtual account on Stripe, but that would cancel the subscription. Apparently there are couple other users flagging the same issue: https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/issues/657#issuecomment-534434530 I am awaiting official reply from Stripe what would be the best way forward.

I will provide reply to your other points (thumbnails, 2FA, etc.).as long as I have an update.

Eternal9100 commented 8 months ago

@tomekit Thanks for getting back. don't worry about the delay.

Android glitches aren't exactly addressed yet, but correct me if I am wrong you must be using pretty unusual screen width.

Looking at the accessibility settings I have larger fonts enabled, the screen res is pretty standard.

Tried 1.7.0 on win and mint using the appimage. Not had time to try the .deb. The experience on linux was better but you can only mount or view one remote at a time and for a bucket called /private is mounts in ~/s3drivemount/private. If I then disconnect that and mount another bucket using different credentials (I user only per bucket creds. using a test bucket called s3drive it will not let me mount to ~/s3drivemount/s3drive unless I umount and delete /private first. I assume multi mount is something for the future but right now users would be better off with rclone mount. The visual side of things looked ok. I am not able to delete the root bucket on your test remote which I didn't want anyway! Suggest some safety so that when you delete a remote in s3drive the user is asked if they want to confirm they are also deleting in rclone.conf.

I didn't try win too thoroughly but I got the message in the terrible screenshot below telling me that I needed to install the cygwin module for WinFSP. The message was white text in a yellow bar so very difficult to see. I uninstalled and reinstalled WinFSP and the Cygwin module is not selected by default. For people who don't know what that is it makes installation awkward. From what I can see WinFSP does not run any kind of daemon on windows so could you roll it up in a dll or .so like you did with rclone? Drive letter control would be helpful which is a windows annoyance.


Noted your comments regarding stripe and the other stuff. All takes time. Thanks.

tomekit commented 4 months ago

Hi @Eternal9100,

It's been a while since your last feedback.

Even though not all items discussed in this item are exactly addressed, we're still pushing hard with the project development and made lots of improvements over the past couple months: https://s3drive.app/changelog

I've though to reach out to ask how are the things?

tomekit commented 2 months ago

I am going to close this issue as there is no activity for quite a while. If you have any more thoughts please either create a new one or visit our Support channel on Discord: https://s3drive.app/support

Thank you for your feedback so far!

Eternal9100 commented 2 weeks ago

Sorry, I have only just caught up with this. Thanks for your eqnquiry, I'm fine thanks. I have not been using S3Drive much as I have found that it has some display problems on an older laptop and rclone/fuse meets my needs better. It's still got lots of potential. :)