s3fs-fuse / s3fs-fuse

FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3
GNU General Public License v2.0
8.72k stars 1.02k forks source link

Got I/O error after mounting bucket #2304

Open dumpyFox opened 1 year ago

dumpyFox commented 1 year ago

Additional Information

Version of s3fs being used (s3fs --version)

V1.93 (commit:3f64c72) with OpenSSL

Version of fuse being used (pkg-config --modversion fuse, rpm -qi fuse or dpkg -s fuse)


Kernel information (uname -r)


GNU/Linux Distribution, if applicable (cat /etc/os-release)

PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS" NAME="Ubuntu" VERSION_ID="22.04" VERSION="22.04.3 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)" VERSION_CODENAME=jammy ID=ubuntu ID_LIKE=debian HOME_URL="https://www.ubuntu.com/" SUPPORT_URL="https://help.ubuntu.com/" BUG_REPORT_URL="https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/" PRIVACY_POLICY_URL="https://www.ubuntu.com/legal/terms-and-policies/privacy-policy" UBUNTU_CODENAME=jammy

How to run s3fs, if applicable

[x] command line
[] /etc/fstab

s3fs nexustest2 /home/fruitgum/work/bucket -o passwd_file=/root/.s3fs-pwd -o url=https://s3.storage.selcloud.ru -o use_path_request_style -o dbglevel=info

s3fs syslog messages (grep s3fs /var/log/syslog, journalctl | grep s3fs, or s3fs outputs)

Սեպ 04 15:42:28 frankenstein s3fs[55147]: s3fs version 1.93(3f64c72) : s3fs -o passwd_file=/root/.s3fs-pwd -o url=https://s3.storage.selcloud.ru -o use_path_request_style -o dbglevel=info nexustest2 /home/fruitgum/work/bucket
Սեպ 04 15:42:28 frankenstein s3fs[55147]: s3fs_logger.cpp:LowSetLogLevel(240): change debug level from [CRT] to [INF]
Սեպ 04 15:42:28 frankenstein s3fs[55147]:     PROC(uid=0, gid=0) - MountPoint(uid=0, gid=0, mode=40755)
Սեպ 04 15:42:28 frankenstein s3fs[55147]: Loaded mime information from /etc/mime.types
Սեպ 04 15:42:28 frankenstein s3fs[55147]: The path to cache top dir is empty, thus not need to check permission.
Սեպ 04 15:42:28 frankenstein s3fs[55148]: init v1.93(commit:3f64c72) with OpenSSL, credential-library(built-in)
Սեպ 04 15:42:28 frankenstein s3fs[55148]: check services.
Սեպ 04 15:42:28 frankenstein s3fs[55148]:       check a bucket path(/).
Սեպ 04 15:42:28 frankenstein s3fs[55148]:       URL is https://s3.storage.selcloud.ru/nexustest2/
Սեպ 04 15:42:28 frankenstein s3fs[55148]:       URL changed is https://s3.storage.selcloud.ru/nexustest2/
Սեպ 04 15:42:28 frankenstein s3fs[55148]:       computing signature [GET] [/] [] []
Սեպ 04 15:42:28 frankenstein s3fs[55148]:       url is https://s3.storage.selcloud.ru
Սեպ 04 15:42:28 frankenstein s3fs[55148]:       HTTP response code 200
Սեպ 04 15:42:28 frankenstein s3fs[55148]: Any threads are running now, then nothing to do.
Սեպ 04 15:42:28 frankenstein s3fs[55148]:       Start worker thread in ThreadPoolMan.
Սեպ 04 15:42:28 frankenstein s3fs[55148]:       Start worker thread in ThreadPoolMan.
Սեպ 04 15:42:28 frankenstein s3fs[55148]:       Start worker thread in ThreadPoolMan.
Սեպ 04 15:42:28 frankenstein s3fs[55148]:       Start worker thread in ThreadPoolMan.
Սեպ 04 15:42:28 frankenstein s3fs[55148]:       Start worker thread in ThreadPoolMan.
Սեպ 04 15:43:40 frankenstein s3fs[55148]: [path=/][pid=41353,uid=0,gid=0]
Սեպ 04 15:43:40 frankenstein s3fs[55148]:       [tpath=//]
Սեպ 04 15:43:40 frankenstein s3fs[55148]:       [tpath=//][bpath=][save=][sseckeypos=18446744073709551615]
Սեպ 04 15:43:40 frankenstein s3fs[55148]:       URL is https://s3.storage.selcloud.ru/nexustest2//
Սեպ 04 15:43:40 frankenstein s3fs[55148]:       URL changed is https://s3.storage.selcloud.ru/nexustest2//
Սեպ 04 15:43:40 frankenstein s3fs[55148]:       computing signature [HEAD] [//] [] []
Սեպ 04 15:43:40 frankenstein s3fs[55148]:       url is https://s3.storage.selcloud.ru
Սեպ 04 15:43:41 frankenstein s3fs[55148]:       HTTP response code 200
Սեպ 04 15:43:41 frankenstein s3fs[55148]:       add stat cache entry[path=/]
Սեպ 04 15:46:06 frankenstein s3fs[55164]: s3fs version 1.93(3f64c72) : s3fs outputs
Սեպ 04 15:46:06 frankenstein s3fs[55164]: Loaded mime information from /etc/mime.types
Սեպ 04 15:46:06 frankenstein s3fs[55164]: s3fs: could not determine how to establish security credentials.

Details about issue

I getting I/O error after mounting bucket:

root@frankenstein:/home/fruitgum/work# ls bucket 
ls: cannot access 'bucket': Input/output error
lancelot1989 commented 7 months ago

I have met the same problem, once ls the root directory, then returns I/O error.

subdir、read & write specific file is ok.