s3p1a / soc_misc

Misc tools for Security Operations Center. Most of these are perpetual works in progress.
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Issue in execution #1

Open SantiagoSerrao opened 3 years ago

SantiagoSerrao commented 3 years ago

Hi!! i am using your script to export some cases from my Hive instance. But i am having some errors : Error in the terminal: Traceback (most recent call last): File "exportarCasos.py", line 46, in USER_DICT = {item['id']:item['name'] for item in API._TheHiveApifind_rows('/api/user/_search').json()} File "exportarCasos.py", line 46, in USER_DICT = {item['id']:item['name'] for item in API._TheHiveApifind_rows('/api/user/_search').json()} TypeError: string indices must be integers That error ocurrs when i execute with python3 but when i execute with pyton the error is :

titleString=f'TheHive Cases, {startDatetime.strftime("%m-%d-%Y")} to {endDatetime.strftime("%m-%d-%Y")}' ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Thanks for the script and for the help!!

s3p1a commented 3 years ago

Hi, sorry for the late reply. Did you make any modifications to the script? If possible, could you post your current script (removing your IPs/keys as necessary)?

The syntax error you get when running with python 2 is expected, as f-strings don't exist in that version.

s3p1a commented 3 years ago

I'm wondering if you're having a connectivity issue with the API endpoint. Can you troubleshoot by adding a line above line 46 that prints out the results of that API call, e.g. print(API._TheHiveApi__find_rows('/api/user/_search').json())

you could also try something like: print(API.get_current_user()) or print(API.health())

SantiagoSerrao commented 3 years ago

Hi !!! thanks for the answer my actual script is :

!/usr/bin/env python

-- coding: utf-8 --

from future import print_function from future import unicode_literals

import sys import json from thehive4py.api import TheHiveApi from thehive4py.query import * import datetime import csv import os import pathlib import argparse

for email notifications

import smtplib from os.path import basename from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.utils import COMMASPACE, formatdate

to do:

- make weekly reporting period start/end configurable with global variable

by adjusting getStartOfWeeklyReportingPeriod() and


note: to run this as a cron job while using an anaconda environment, use


THE_HIVE_URL = '' THE_HIVE_API_KEY = '' API = TheHiveApi(THE_HIVE_URL, THE_HIVE_API_KEY) SMTP_SERVER='server.example.com' SMTP_DEFAULT_SEND_FROM='example@example.com' SMTP_DEFAULT_SEND_TO=['example@example.com',] # needs to be a list, even if single address HOST_LOOKUP_ENABLED = True PATH_TO_HOST_CSV = r'/home/'

pre-populate a dictionary of user names, as only the user ID is present in case

json. '_TheHiveApi__find_rows' is a way to access the __find_rows private method

within the TheHiveApi class.

See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9145499/calling-private-function-within-the-same-class-python

and https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/name-mangling-in-python/ for additional details

print(API.get_current_user()) print(API._TheHiveApifind_rows('/api/user/_search').json()) USER_DICT = {item['id']:item['name'] for item in API._TheHiveApifind_rows('/api/user/_search').json()}

define fields to be extracted from json response, as well as any post-processing

desired for output formatting, all of which occur in by customParseJson()

CASE_FIELDS_TO_PARSE = [ { 'jsonField':'serviceNowTicketNumber', 'displayName':'SNOW Ticket #(s)', 'isCustom':True, 'postProcessing':None, 'functionOnPostProcessingException':None, 'valueOnPostProcessingException':None, }, { 'jsonField':'title', 'displayName':'Internal Incident #(s)', 'isCustom':False, 'postProcessing':lambda x:x.split('] ')[1], 'functionOnPostProcessingException':lambda x:x.split(' ')[0], 'valueOnPostProcessingException':None, }, { 'jsonField':'severity', 'displayName':'Level', 'isCustom':False, 'postProcessing':None, 'functionOnPostProcessingException':None, 'valueOnPostProcessingException':None, }, { 'jsonField':'classification', 'displayName':'Classification', 'isCustom':True, 'postProcessing':None, 'functionOnPostProcessingException':None, 'valueOnPostProcessingException':None, }, { 'jsonField':'status', 'displayName':'Status', 'isCustom':False, 'postProcessing':None, 'functionOnPostProcessingException':None, 'valueOnPostProcessingException':None, }, { 'jsonField':'startDate', 'displayName':'Opened', 'isCustom':False, 'postProcessing':lambda x:datetime.date.fromtimestamp(x/1000).strftime('%m/%d/%Y'), 'functionOnPostProcessingException':None, 'valueOnPostProcessingException':None, }, { 'jsonField':'createdBy', 'displayName':'Handler', 'isCustom':False,

post processing to convert user ID to display name

    'postProcessing':lambda x:USER_DICT[x].split(' ')[1],
    'functionOnPostProcessingException':lambda x:USER_DICT[x].split(' ')[0],
    'displayName':'Intake System',
    'postProcessing':lambda x:x.replace('\\\\','\\'),
    'postProcessing':lambda x:x.encode().decode('unicode_escape'),
    'displayName':'Business Segment',
    'displayName':'Business Unit',


search query syntax https://github.com/TheHive-Project/TheHive4py/blob/master/thehive4py/query.py

from examples at https://github.com/TheHive-Project/TheHive4py/blob/master/samples/test-case-search.py

def search(title, query, range, sort):


response = API.find_cases(query=query, range=range, sort=sort)

if response.status_code == 200:
    jsonResponse = response.json()
    #print(json.dumps(jsonResponse, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
    print('ko: {}/{}'.format(response.status_code, response.text))
return jsonResponse

def hostListLookup(headers, caseList, pathToHostCSV=PATH_TO_HOST_CSV):

this method is used to append a 'Asset List Matches' column to the data pulled from

# thehive's API, and is called by the getCasesByTimeWindow function

# parse a CSV into a dict of 'hostname':'asset list' pairs
with open(pathToHostCSV, mode='r') as csv_file:
    # read first line of csv file, split by comma, store as list
    firstline = csv_file.readline().strip().replace('"','').split(',')
    # reset file reader position to 0
    # test whether the expected column header is present
    if not (firstline[0] == 'Hostname' and firstline[1] == 'Asset List'):
        print('Error parsing critical assets list')
        print("Please ensure CSV has column headers ['Hostname', 'Asset List', ... ]")
        raise SystemExit
    csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file)
    # this will convert all system names to hostname only (no FQDNs)
    hostListDict = {row['Hostname'].split('.')[0]:row['Asset List'] for row in csv_reader}
systemsStringIndex = headers.index('Systems')
for case in caseList:
    # if multiple systems in a case, expand them to an array
    thisSystemString = case[systemsStringIndex]
    thisSystemString =  thisSystemString.replace('and',',')
    thisSystemString = thisSystemString.replace(' ','')
    thisSystemString = thisSystemString.replace(',,',',')
    thisSystemsList = thisSystemString.split(',')
    # convert all system strings to hostname only
    thisSystemsList = list(map(lambda x: x.split('.')[0], thisSystemsList))
    # define host list matches as a set to prevent duplicates
    thisHostListMatches = set()
    for system in thisSystemsList:
        # check if this host is in the hostListDict
            if system in hostListDict.keys():
    case.append(', '.join(thisHostListMatches))
headers.append('Asset List Matches')

def customParseJson(thisJson, fields=CASE_FIELDS_TO_PARSE): headers = [] for field in CASE_FIELDS_TO_PARSE: headers.append(field['displayName']) caseList = []

print(json.dumps(thisJson, indent=4, sort_keys=True))

for item in thisJson:
    thisList = []
    for field in CASE_FIELDS_TO_PARSE:
        if field['isCustom']:
                thisField = item['customFields'][field['jsonField']]['string']
                # handle cases where key exists but value is null
                if thisField is None:
                    thisField = ''
            except (KeyError,AttributeError):
                #print(f'[!] Error: Field Not Found')
                thisField = ''
                thisField = item[field['jsonField']]
            except (KeyError,AttributeError):
                #print(f"[!] Error: Field {field['jsonField']} Not Found)
                thisField = ''
        if field['postProcessing']:
                thisField = field['postProcessing'](thisField)
                if field['functionOnPostProcessingException']:
                    thisField = field['functionOnPostProcessingException'](thisField)
                        thisField = field['functionOnPostProcessingException'](thisField)
                        if field['valueOnPostProcessingException']:
                            thisField = thisField = field['valueOnPostProcessingException']
                            print("[!] Error: Unhandled postprocessing exception")
                            print(json.dumps(item, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
                elif field['valueOnPostProcessingException']:
                    thisField = field['valueOnPostProcessingException']
                    print("[!] Error: Unhandled postprocessing exception")
                    print(json.dumps(item, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
# this sort will only work when sorting by opened time, and it is in column 5
# print(caseList)
caseList.sort(key = lambda x:datetime.datetime.strptime(x[5],'%m/%d/%Y'),reverse=True)
    headers, caseList = hostListLookup(headers, caseList)
return {'headers':headers,'caseList':caseList}

def getStartOfWeeklyReportingPeriod(date): dayOfWeek = date.weekday() if dayOfWeek < 4: startDelta = dayOfWeek + 3 elif dayOfWeek == 4: if date.hour < 17: startDelta = 7 else: startDelta = 0 else: startDelta = dayOfWeek - 4 startOfWeeklyReportingPeriod = (date - datetime.timedelta(days=startDelta)).replace(hour=17,minute=0,second=0,microsecond=0) return startOfWeeklyReportingPeriod

def getEndOfWeeklyReportingPeriod(date): dayOfWeek = date.weekday() if dayOfWeek < 4: endDelta = 4 - dayOfWeek elif dayOfWeek == 4: if date.hour < 17: endDelta = 0 else: endDelta = 7 else: endDelta = 11 - dayOfWeek endOfWeeklyReportingPeriod = (date + datetime.timedelta(days=endDelta)).replace(hour=17,minute=0,second=0,microsecond=0) return endOfWeeklyReportingPeriod

def getStartOfMonth(date): return date.replace(day=1,hour=0,minute=0,second=0,microsecond=0)

def getEndOfMonth(date):


next_month = date.replace(day=28) + datetime.timedelta(days=4)
endOfMonth = (next_month - datetime.timedelta(days=next_month.day)).replace(hour=23,minute=59,second=59,microsecond=999999)
return endOfMonth

def datetimeToHiveTimestamp(datetime): return int(datetime.timestamp()) * 1000

def getCasesByTimeWindow(startDatetime,endDatetime):

search function expects epoch timestamp with milliseconds, so convert

startTimestamp = datetimeToHiveTimestamp(startDatetime)
endTimestamp = datetimeToHiveTimestamp(endDatetime)
# search function expects a title, so may as well populate it here
titleString=f'TheHive Cases, {startDatetime.strftime("%m-%d-%Y")} to {endDatetime.strftime("%m-%d-%Y")}'
cases = customParseJson(search(titleString,Between('startDate',startTimestamp, endTimestamp), 'all', []))
return {'startDatetime':startDatetime,'endDatetime':endDatetime,'caseList':cases['caseList'],'headers':cases['headers']}

def exportCaseDictToCSV(caseDict,basePath=(pathlib.Path.home()/'Desktop')):

use pathlib to generate home directory path for easier cross-platform support

# join basePath to CSV filename format
# check if report is time-bound, and append start/end if so
if 'startDatetime' in caseDict.keys():
    fullPath = os.path.join(basePath,rf"TheHive_Cases_{caseDict['startDatetime'].strftime('%m-%d-%Y')}_to_{caseDict['endDatetime'].strftime('%m-%d-%Y')}.csv")
# if not time-bound, add 'ALL_TIME' to filename instead of start/end
    fullPath = os.path.join(basePath,rf"TheHive_Cases_All_Time.csv")
# append headers supplied in caseDict
headers = caseDict['headers']
with open(fullPath, 'w', newline='') as outputFile:
    wr = csv.writer(outputFile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
    for case in caseDict['caseList']:
print('CSV report written to ', rf'{fullPath}')
# return path for use in email reporting

def getCasesWeeklyReportingPeriod(date): start = getStartOfWeeklyReportingPeriod(date) end = getEndOfWeeklyReportingPeriod(date) cases = getCasesByTimeWindow(start,end) return cases

def getCasesForMonth(date): start = getStartOfMonth(date) end = getEndOfMonth(date) cases = getCasesByTimeWindow(start,end) return cases

def exportCasesCurrentWeeklyReportingPeriod(): cases = getCasesWeeklyReportingPeriod(datetime.datetime.now())

return path for use in email reporting


def exportCasesPreviousWeeklyReportingPeriod(): cases = getCasesWeeklyReportingPeriod(datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=7))

return path for use in email reporting


def exportCasesCurrentMonth(): cases = getCasesForMonth(datetime.datetime.now())

return path for use in email reporting


def exportCasesPreviousMonth(): cases = getCasesForMonth(datetime.datetime.now() - datetime.timedelta(days=28))

return path for use in email reporting


def exportCasesAll():

cannot find the 'all' criteria for search method (other than accessing

# _TheHiveApi__find_rowsfind_rows method directly, so using a criterion
# that will be true for all cases
cases = customParseJson(search("All Cases",Gte('severity', 1), 'all', []))
# return path for use in email reporting

def exportCasesToday(): startDatetime = datetime.datetime.now().replace(hour=0,minute=0,second=0,microsecond=0) endDatetime = datetime.datetime.now() cases = getCasesByTimeWindow(startDatetime,endDatetime)

return path for use in email reporting



note that send_to is a list, if a raw string is passed it will add a comma between

every character in the string passed

def send_mail(send_from=SMTP_DEFAULT_SEND_FROM, send_to=SMTP_DEFAULT_SEND_TO, subject='TheHive Case Report(s)', text='TheHive Case Report(s) attached', files=None,server=SMTP_SERVER):

msg = MIMEMultipart()
msg['From'] = send_from
msg['To'] = COMMASPACE.join(send_to)
msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True)
msg['Subject'] = subject


for f in files or []:
    with open(f, "rb") as fil:
        part = MIMEApplication(
    # After the file is closed
    part['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % basename(f)

smtp = smtplib.SMTP(server)
smtp.sendmail(send_from, send_to, msg.as_string())

note that action='store_true' creates an implicit value of false

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Export cases from TheHive as csv. Options can be combined") parser.add_argument('-t','--today',action='store_true',help='Export cases for the current day') parser.add_argument('-cw','--currentweek',action='store_true',help='Export cases for the current weekly reporting period') parser.add_argument('-pw','--previousweek',action='store_true',help='Export cases for the previous weekly reporting period') parser.add_argument('-cm','--currentmonth',action='store_true',help='Export cases for the current month') parser.add_argument('-pm','--previousmonth',action='store_true',help='Export cases for the previous month') parser.add_argument('-a','--all',action='store_true',help='Export all cases') parser.add_argument('-n','--nolookup',action='store_true',help='Do not lookup cases against a systems list') parser.add_argument('-e','--email',action='store_true',help='Email exported cases') parser.add_argument('-r','--remove',action='store_true',help='Remove exported CSV files (for use when emailing reports)') args = parser.parse_args()


if not len(sys.argv) > 1: print('No arguments passed. Please select an option.') parser.print_help() raise SystemExit

if args.nolookup: HOST_LOOKUP_ENABLED = False

if args.email: emailFileList = []

if args.today: caseCSV = exportCasesToday() if args.email: emailFileList.append(caseCSV)

if args.currentweek: caseCSV = exportCasesCurrentWeeklyReportingPeriod() if args.email: emailFileList.append(caseCSV)

if args.previousweek: caseCSV = exportCasesPreviousWeeklyReportingPeriod() if args.email: emailFileList.append(caseCSV)

if args.currentmonth: caseCSV = exportCasesCurrentMonth() if args.email: emailFileList.append(caseCSV)

if args.previousmonth: caseCSV = exportCasesPreviousMonth() if args.email: emailFileList.append(caseCSV)
if args.all: caseCSV = exportCasesAll() if args.email: emailFileList.append(caseCSV)

if args.email: send_mail(files=emailFileList) if args.remove: for file in emailFileList: try: os.remove(file) except: print(f'File {file} could not be removed') continue print(f'File {file} removed successfully')

I am not using the send emails option , i only need to export a case. Now when i put this line in 46 the error is :

Traceback (most recent call last): File "exportarCasos.py", line 46, in print(API.get_current_user()) AttributeError: 'TheHiveApi' object has no attribute 'get_current_user'

Thanks for your help!!