s4int / robotframework-KafkaLibrary

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issue using POLL keyword of kafkalibrary #1

Open santosh2040 opened 6 years ago

santosh2040 commented 6 years ago

Poll | timeout_ms=0, max_records=None | Fetch data from assigned topics / partitions.

This is the description of Poll keyword which should be able to fetch data from the topic but I am facing the issue in test case 6 which is illustrated below.

${data} = KafkaLibrary . Poll 200000 Documentation: Fetch data from assigned topics / partitions. Start / End / Elapsed: 20170727 14:38:52.901 / 20170727 14:38:52.907 / 00:00:00.006 14:38:52.907 FAIL TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'unicode' and 'float'

My test Case is as follows:

Settings Library KafkaLibrary library json

Variables ${SERVER} localhost:9092 ${TOPIC} replication

Test Case [TC-001] - Connect to Kakfa server Connect To Kafka ${SERVER}

[TC-002] - Connect to Kakfa producer Connect Producer ${SERVER}

[TC-003] - Connect to Kakfa consumer Connect Consumer ${SERVER} false

[TC-004] - Get Kakfa topics ${topics}= Get Kafka Topics ${jsontopics}= json.dumps ${topics} log ${jsontopics}

[TC-005] - Send message into Kafka topic &{data}= Create Dictionary name=John surname=Evcimen ${bytedata}= json.dumps ${data} Send ${TOPIC} ${bytedata} log ${bytedata}

[TC-006] - Identify msgs in Kafka topics ${noofmessage}= Get Number Of Messages In Topics ${TOPIC} log ${noofmessage} ${data}= Poll 200000

Please suggest me whats the issue here and the solution to get rid of this?

Thanks Santosh

jjylik commented 6 years ago

I was struggling with the same issue. Managed to resolve it by using the Robot 'Convert To Number' keyword

${timeout_in_ms}= Convert To Number 200000 ${data}= Poll ${timeout_in_ms}

s4int commented 6 years ago

You can also use notation: ${data}= Poll ${200000}

trogdor259 commented 6 years ago

I have an issue where Poll is not getting anything. I set up a consumer on my kafka server and subscribed to the topic. I can see the message get created. Yet polling never gets anything. I keep increasing the timeout, but when the message is created within 3 seconds, setting the Polling timeout to 200s is a bit much. And even then 200s is not returning anything.

trogdor259 commented 6 years ago

Some more information: I set a keyword to get the number of messages prior to and after generating the new message for my topic and added a check to ensure that they were not equal. Once that was done, my test does the poll. Timeout is set to ${240000}. Poll always returns empty no matter what I try.

venkatraju1284 commented 4 years ago
`Connect Consumer   bootstrap_servers=kafka-dev-0.BLABLA:9092      client_id=Robot`
`${topics}=      Get Kafka Topics`
`@{partition}=   Get Kafka Partitions For Topic      topic=transactiontopic`    
`${partitionid}=     Create TopicPartition      topic=transactiontopic       partition=${23}`
`${noofmessages}=     Get Number Of Messages In Topics    topics=transactiontopic`
`Assign To Topic Partition       topic_partition=${partitionid}`
`${pppp}=        Get Assigned Partitions`
`Seek    topic_partition=${partitionid}      offset=${6666}`
`Subscribe Topic    pattern=transactiontopic`
`${data}=    Poll    max_records=${10}   `

Am I doing something incorrect? Poll returns an empty list although that topic has many messages in bus

s4int commented 4 years ago

Hi, thank you input. I'm working on acceptance tests for this lib. I hope test will help me find and fix such issues faster.

s4int commented 4 years ago

@venkatraju1284 I've added couple of simple tests recently. You can refer to: https://github.com/s4int/robotframework-KafkaLibrary/blob/55ce258808a49a6e49ff53982543b5ad76366d16/tests/04_poll.robot#L9-L25

Try to use Poll with Poll max_records=${10} . timeout_ms=${500} docs: https://kafka-python.readthedocs.io/en/master/apidoc/KafkaConsumer.html#kafka.KafkaConsumer.poll