s5uishida / free5gc_ueransim_sample_config

free5GC 5GC & UERANSIM UE / RAN Sample Configuration
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Get error when UE starts up #3

Open sing1020 opened 1 year ago

sing1020 commented 1 year ago

Hi, @s5uishida I tried to create the One SMF, Multiple UPFs and DNNs of your Sample Configurations and followed the steps. When I tried to run the free5GC U-Plan1, I got the error. image

Have you ever had the same problem? Any suggestions or helps are appreciated:)

Linux version: ubuntu-20.04.5-live-server-amd64 free5GC version: v3.2.1


Best Regards Hsin

s5uishida commented 1 year ago

Hi @sing1020

In my environment, it works as follows.

root@free5gc12:~/free5gc# bin/upf 
2022-10-31T13:01:33+09:00 [INFO][UPF][Main] UPF version:  
        free5GC version: v3.2.1-13-ge104d46
        build time:      2022-10-17T01:23:52Z
        commit hash:     e05c3433
        commit time:     2022-09-02T01:58:48Z
        go version:      go1.14.4 linux/amd64
2022-10-31T13:01:33+09:00 [INFO][UPF][Cfg] Read config from [./config/upfcfg.yaml]
2022-10-31T13:01:33+09:00 [INFO][UPF][Cfg] ==================================================
2022-10-31T13:01:33+09:00 [INFO][UPF][Cfg] (*factory.Config)(0xc000342780)({
        Version: (string) (len=5) "1.0.3",
        Description: (string) (len=31) "UPF initial local configuration",
        Pfcp: (*factory.Pfcp)(0xc000354fc0)({
                Addr: (string) (len=14) "",
                NodeID: (string) (len=14) "",
                RetransTimeout: (time.Duration) 1s,
                MaxRetrans: (uint8) 3
        Gtpu: (*factory.Gtpu)(0xc000355170)({
                Forwarder: (string) (len=5) "gtp5g",
                IfList: ([]factory.IfInfo) (len=1 cap=1) {
                        (factory.IfInfo) {
                                Addr: (string) (len=14) "",
                                Type: (string) (len=2) "N3",
                                Name: (string) "",
                                IfName: (string) "",
                                MTU: (uint32) 0
        DnnList: ([]factory.DnnList) (len=2 cap=2) {
                (factory.DnnList) {
                        Dnn: (string) (len=8) "internet",
                        Cidr: (string) (len=12) "",
                        NatIfName: (string) ""
                (factory.DnnList) {
                        Dnn: (string) (len=9) "internet2",
                        Cidr: (string) (len=12) "",
                        NatIfName: (string) ""
        Logger: (*factory.Logger)(0xc0002dfac0)({
                Enable: (bool) true,
                Level: (string) (len=4) "info",
                ReportCaller: (bool) false
2022-10-31T13:01:33+09:00 [INFO][UPF][Cfg] ==================================================
2022-10-31T13:01:33+09:00 [INFO][UPF][Main] Log level is set to [info] level
2022-10-31T13:01:33+09:00 [INFO][UPF][Main] starting Gtpu Forwarder [gtp5g]
2022-10-31T13:01:33+09:00 [INFO][UPF][Main] GTP Address: ""
2022-10-31T13:01:33+09:00 [INFO][UPF][Buff] buff server started
2022-10-31T13:01:33+09:00 [INFO][UPF][Pfcp][] starting pfcp server
2022-10-31T13:01:33+09:00 [INFO][UPF][Pfcp][] pfcp server started
2022-10-31T13:01:33+09:00 [INFO][UPF][Main] UPF started
sing1020 commented 1 year ago

Hi, @s5uishida

Sorry I gave the worng information that my free5GC version is v3.2.0, and I found that our go version is different. Is it possible that error is cased by the versions not support or other reasion? Thanks.


s5uishida commented 1 year ago

Hi @sing1020

I was able to get the latest versions of free5GC and gtp5g installed and working by following the steps below.


For earlier versions, I think it probably works, but I'm not sure.

sing1020 commented 1 year ago

Hi @s5uishida

OK, I'll try it. If it works due to the different versions, I would let you know:)


sing1020 commented 1 year ago

Hi @s5uishida

It works in my environment. image

And I found the reason for the error is that I stupidly gave the wrong IP address of the DNN... I'm going to create rest of it, thanks.

s5uishida commented 1 year ago

Hi @sing1020

I don't understand why you set the CIDR as that way for DNN=internet and internet2.

For your reference, my upfcfg.yaml is as follows.


version: 1.0.3
description: UPF initial local configuration

# The listen IP and nodeID of the N4 interface on this UPF (Can't set to
  addr:   # IP addr for listening
  nodeID: # External IP or FQDN can be reached
  retransTimeout: 1s # retransmission timeout
  maxRetrans: 3 # the max number of retransmission

  forwarder: gtp5g
  # The IP list of the N3/N9 interfaces on this UPF
  # If there are multiple connection, set addr to or list all the addresses
    - addr:
      type: N3
      # name: upf.5gc.nctu.me
      # ifname: gtpif

# The DNN list supported by UPF
  - dnn: internet # Data Network Name
    cidr: # Classless Inter-Domain Routing for assigned IPv4 pool of UE
    # natifname: eth0
  - dnn: internet2

logger: # log output setting
  enable: true # true or false
  level: info # how detailed to output, value: trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic
  reportCaller: false # enable the caller report or not, value: true or false
sing1020 commented 1 year ago

Hi @s5uishida

I set the NIC as NAT in VM so that the CIDR can access to internet(DN). image image image

If I set NIC as other options, it can't access to internet(DN).

If it's not correct, what should I do...? Now I got the same error in U-Plane2... image


s5uishida commented 1 year ago

Hi @sing1020

I use bridged mode for my VM's networking, but you can also select NAT networking. (In a way that works for you.)

However, the DN's network must be a different network than the VM's private network.

As for the network, I think you may configure it according to each environment.

sing1020 commented 1 year ago

Hi @s5uishida

Ok, I'll try it. Thanks for your advice~:)

sing1020 commented 1 year ago

Hi @s5uishida

Sorry to bother you again... I changed to use bridged mode for VM's networking, and the UPF1, UPF2, gNB were working well. But I got errors when start up C-Plane, it seem to affect subsequent UE startup errors.

C-Plane's error when start up image

gNB start up and the reaction of C-Plane gNB: image C-Plane: image

UE start up and the reaction of C-Plane UE: image C-Plane: image

I had check the smfcfg.yaml that seem correct and I set the network setting of U-Plan1 and U-Plane2 before startup. Do you think this error is caused by my smfcfg.yaml file is not set properly or there are other reasons? Below link is my smfcfg.yaml file. Any suggestions or helps are appreciated:) Thanks.


s5uishida commented 1 year ago

Hi @sing1020

As shown in the error log on the first screen, the following lines in smfcfg.yaml contain tabs.

    - dnn: ims
sing1020 commented 1 year ago

Hi @s5uishida

OK... I'll fix it and keep creating. Thanks. :)

sing1020 commented 1 year ago

Hi @s5uishida

I did creat uesimtun0~2 as below with bridge mode. image uesimtun0 -> internet uesimtun1 -> internet2 uesimtun2 -> ims

But the uesimtun0~2 can't ping to goole.com due to my bridge mode can't access to internet... When I changed it to NAT mode which can access to internet, the C-Plane would show "[FATA][SMF][Init] overlap cidr value between UPFs", then UE failed to connect.

I still don't understand how to make the IP addresses(or CIDR) correct that can access to internet and make uesimtun ping to google.com...

Could you show the network setting of /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml or give informations that can help me to figure it out?


xiongruoting commented 1 year ago

Have you registered UEs in core network in webconsole? also, set the "Data Network Name" as "ims"?

xiongruoting commented 1 year ago

I have problem... connecting to goole.com as well.... All the things set up well, core network, two UPFs, gNB and UEs. Besides, in two UPFs VM, set iptables. However, when I type "ping -I ueransim0 google.com" , it does not work...