s60sc / ESP32-CAM_MJPEG2SD

ESP32 Camera motion capture application to record JPEGs to SD card as AVI files and stream to browser as MJPEG. If a microphone is installed then a WAV file is also created. Files can be uploaded via FTP or downloaded to browser.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
799 stars 200 forks source link

inbrowser flash improv wifi config #405

Closed ldijkman closed 2 months ago

ldijkman commented 3 months ago

would be nice if there is a inbrowser flash improv wifi config version


installed the program works but i see no mDNS adres hostname is not mDNS?

s60sc commented 3 months ago

You can do this with WebDAV

mDNS is only enabled for ESP32S3, but you can enable it for ESP32 (with consequences) by editing utils.cpp to remove the compiler directive:

  setupMdnsHost(); // not on ESP32 as uses 6k of heap
ldijkman commented 3 months ago

i do not know about the webdav

i can acces it know with http://esp32cam.local so do not have to lookup ip in serial monitor

and it shows up in mdns scanof all devices in local network so can create an auto linklist cq iframed card overview

i put in your main ino

#include <ESPmDNS.h>
const char* hostname = "esp32cam";  // .local is added by esp32 mdns   http://garage.local
String myhostname = hostname;

in setup

   if (MDNS.begin(myhostname)) {
    Serial.println("MDNS responder started.");
    Serial.print("You should be able to connect with address http://");

    MDNS.addService("http", "tcp", 80);
    MDNS.setInstanceName(myhostname);  // Change "new-service-name" to your desired name

  } else {
    Serial.println("Error setting up MDNS responder!");
ldijkman commented 3 months ago



Screenshot from 2024-04-07 16-07-30

ldijkman commented 3 months ago

added bilb.html and index.html to sd card with the same contents as main index htm file but it does not handle it not found and then cannot load main ip adress anymore after bad url in adress bar

server.on or something must fallback to main if not found

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x400805f0

[00:00:00.480 logSetup] Setup RAM based log, size 7168, starting from 6690

[00:00:00.480 logSetup] =============== ESP-CAM_MJPEG 9.7 ===============
[00:00:00.491 logSetup] Compiled with arduino-esp32 v2.0.14
[00:00:00.491 printResetReason] Power on reset
[00:00:00.501 printWakeupReason] Wakeup by reset
[00:00:00.556 infoSD] SD card type SDHC, Size: 7.4GB
[00:00:00.557 listFolder] Sketch size 1.6MB
[00:00:00.883 listFolder] File: /data/common.js, size: 28604 bytes
[00:00:00.894 listFolder] File: /data/MJPEG2SD.htm, size: 95KB
[00:00:00.905 listFolder] File: /data/configs.txt, size: 5691 bytes
[00:00:00.916 listFolder] File: /data/log.txt, size: 56KB
[00:00:00.927 listFolder] File: /data/index.html, size: 95KB
[00:00:00.940 listFolder] File: /data/bulb.html, size: 95KB
[00:00:00.941 listFolder] SD_MMC: 101.2MB used of 7.4GB
[00:00:00.942 loadConfig] Load config
[00:00:01.246 updateAppStatus] Disabling motion detection
[00:00:01.248 setupLamp] Setup Lamp Led for ESP32 Cam board

[00:00:01.272 remote_log_init_SD] Opened SD file for logging
[00:00:01.280 setup] PSRAM size: 8.0MB
[00:00:01.477 prepCam] Camera init OK for model OV2640 on board CAMERA_MODEL_AI_THINKER
[00:00:01.739 setWifiSTA] Wifi Station IP from DHCP
.......[00:00:04.847 onWiFiEvent] WiFi Station connection to Bangert_30_Andijk, using hostname: ESP32CAM
...[00:00:06.370 onWiFiEvent] Wifi Station IP, use '' to connect
[00:00:10.263 startWifi] Wifi stats for Bangert_30_Andijk - signal strength: -60 dBm; Encryption: WPA2_PSK; channel: 11
[00:00:10.265 startPing] Started ping monitoring - Off
[00:00:10.280 startWebServer] Starting web server on port: 80
[00:00:10.280 startWebServer] Remote server certificates not checked
[00:00:10.288 startSustainTasks] Started 1 HTTP sustain tasks
[00:00:10.292 prepUpload] File uploads will use FTP server
[00:00:10.292 setupLamp] Setup Lamp Led for ESP32 Cam board
[00:00:10.303 prepTelegram] Telegram not being used
[00:00:10.303 resetWatchDog] WatchDog started using task: ping
[00:00:10.322 getLocalNTP] Using NTP server: pool.ntp.org
[00:00:10.324 WARN getLocalNTP] Not yet synced with NTP 
[00:00:10.347 updateAppStatus] Disabling motion detection

[00:00:11.475 remote_log_init_SD] Opened SD file for logging

[00:00:12.510 remote_log_init_SD] Opened SD file for logging
[00:00:12.591 prepRecording] To record new AVI, do one of:
[00:00:12.592 prepRecording] - press Start Recording on web page

[00:00:12.603 prepRecording] Camera model OV2640 on board CAMERA_MODEL_AI_THINKER ready @ 20MHz
[00:00:12.604 checkMemory]  Free: heap 101524, block: 77812, min: 99420, pSRAM 1490679
MDNS responder started.
You should be able to connect with address http://esp32cam.local/
[00:00:12.629 loop] =============== Total tasks: 17 ===============

[14:49:13.390 wsHandler] Websocket connection: 53

[14:49:14.458 remote_log_init_SD] Opened SD file for logging
[14:49:36.957 wsHandler] Websocket connection: 53

[14:49:38.013 remote_log_init_SD] Opened SD file for logging
[14:49:38.819 getLocalNTP] Using NTP server: pool.ntp.org
[14:49:38.820 showLocalTime] Got current time from NTP: 07/04/2024 14:49:38 with tz: GMT0
[14:49:43.843 WARN fileHandler] File does not exist or cannot be opened: /data/MJPEG2SD.htm 
[14:49:43.892 showStream] MJPEG: 21 frames, total 326KB in 5.1s @ 4.1fps
[14:49:52.150 showStream] MJPEG: 7 frames, total 103KB in 1.7s @ 4.2fps
[14:50:08.824 setAlarm] Alarm scheduled at 08/04/2024 01:00:00
[14:50:09.750 getExtIP] External IP:
[14:50:09.753 doAppPing] Daily rollover
[14:54:08.819 isNight] Night time
[14:55:36.676 showStream] MJPEG: 1370 frames, total 20.6MB in 342.4s @ 4.0fps
[14:55:36.688 WARN fileHandler] File does not exist or cannot be opened: /data/MJPEG2SD.htm 
[14:55:40.552 WARN fileHandler] File does not exist or cannot be opened: /data/MJPEG2SD.htm 
ldijkman commented 3 months ago

main ino with mdns for http://esp32cam.local

* Capture ESP32 Cam JPEG images into a AVI file and store on SD
* AVI files stored on the SD card can also be selected and streamed to a browser as MJPEG.
* s60sc 2020 - 2024

#include "appGlobals.h"
#include <ESPmDNS.h>
// http://esp32cam.local
const char* hostname = "esp32cam";  // .local is added by esp32 mdns   http://esp32cam.local
String myhostname = hostname;

void setup() {  
  // prep SD card storage
  if (startStorage()) {
    // Load saved user configuration
    if (loadConfig()) {
      // initialise camera
      if (psramFound()) {
        LOG_INF("PSRAM size: %s", fmtSize(esp_spiram_get_size()));
        if (esp_spiram_get_size() > 3 * ONEMEG) prepCam();
        else snprintf(startupFailure, SF_LEN, STARTUP_FAIL "Insufficient PSRAM for app");
      else snprintf(startupFailure, SF_LEN, STARTUP_FAIL "Need PSRAM to be enabled");

#ifdef DEV_ONLY

  // connect wifi or start config AP if router details not available

  if (strlen(startupFailure)) LOG_WRN("%s", startupFailure);
  else {
    // start rest of services

    if (MDNS.begin(myhostname)) {
    Serial.println("MDNS responder started.");
    Serial.print("You should be able to connect with address http://");
    Serial.print("\033[32m"); // Set green color (other color codes available)

    MDNS.addService("http", "tcp", 80);
    MDNS.setInstanceName(myhostname);  // Change "new-service-name" to your desired name
    Serial.print("\033[0m"); // Reset color
  } else {
    Serial.println("Error setting up MDNS responder!");

void loop() {
  // confirm not blocked in setup
  LOG_INF("=============== Total tasks: %u ===============\n", uxTaskGetNumberOfTasks() - 1);
  vTaskDelete(NULL); // free 8k ram
s60sc commented 3 months ago

As previously stated the app already supports mdns, you dont need to change the .ino

If you want to access bulb.html, in appGlobals.h change #define INDEX_PAGE_PATH DATA_DIR "/MJPEG2SD" HTML_EXT to #define INDEX_PAGE_PATH DATA_DIR "/bulb" HTML_EXT

ldijkman commented 3 months ago

thanks for your response but this does not do what i want

i will talk to chatgpt gemini copilot or blackbox

would like to serve any html file from sdcard would like to add inbrowser ace editor html on sdcard so that it would be easier to edit the html files directly on sdcard webserver inbrowser

greet luberth

maybe easy chatgpt knows aked do you know ESP32-CAM_MJPEG2SD

As of my last update in April 2023, the ESP32-CAM_MJPEG2SD appears to refer to a project or application involving the ESP32-CAM, a small-size camera module based on the ESP32 chip that features Wi-Fi and Bluetooth functionalities. The ESP32-CAM can be used for various applications such as surveillance cameras, face recognition, and time-lapse photography.

In this context, "MJPEG" stands for Motion JPEG, a video compression format where each video frame or interlaced field of a digital video sequence is compressed separately as a JPEG image. The ESP32-CAM can capture and stream video in this format.

The "2SD" part likely refers to the capability to save these MJPEG video streams directly to an SD card attached to the ESP32-CAM module. This functionality is useful for applications where real-time video recording is required without the need to transmit the data over a network, thus saving bandwidth and allowing for offline video storage.

To implement this functionality, you would typically need to:

Connect an SD card module to the ESP32-CAM: This usually involves wiring the SD card module's SPI interface to the ESP32's SPI pins. You need to ensure that the pin mapping is correctly configured in your code.

Use the ESP32-CAM Arduino library: This library provides functions to initialize the camera and capture photos or video frames. For streaming video, you'd capture frames in a loop and save them as individual JPEG files or as a single video file in MJPEG format on the SD card.

Modify the example code: The ESP32-CAM library comes with example sketches that demonstrate basic functionality. You would need to modify one of these examples or write your own code to implement the MJPEG streaming to an SD card.

Handle file storage efficiently: Since video files can become quite large, it's important to manage the SD card's file system efficiently. This includes naming files in a systematic way, periodically checking the SD card's remaining capacity, and possibly implementing a way to overwrite the oldest files when the card is full.

If you're interested in this project, you'll find numerous tutorials and resources online that provide step-by-step instructions on setting up the ESP32-CAM, capturing video, and saving it to an SD card. The Arduino IDE, used for programming the ESP32, offers libraries and examples that are particularly helpful for beginners and enthusiasts working on such projects.

rjsachse commented 3 months ago

If you want to serve other html files you have to edit the code. I see no point in a fs browser to edit the HTML files directly when you can just use WebDav in Windows and Android (I know of). This is not a issue or feature request. No need for chatgpt reply that is out of date and wrong. What is you knowledge in arduino coding?

ldijkman commented 3 months ago

i can do a bit of coding mostly i use arduino ide 1 on linux mint in your code it is not direct clear to me how to change server on / to send any file also looks like file opening / closing is broken after wrong urls entered in adress bar

i do not use windows for me it would be handy to edit the SDcard webserver files webcam html directly on sd

ace editor on littlefs

Screenshot from 2024-04-08 05-28-53

ldijkman commented 3 months ago

ill try to explain what i want

this is http://granden.local/bulbs.html garden. local scans mdns for all devices in local network and lists bulb.html of then iframed in bulbs.html

Screenshot from 2024-04-08 05-45-56

so garden.local bulbs.html has found http://esp32cam.local but it does not have a http://esp32cam.local/bulb.html so display in iframe is not found i want http://esp32cam.local/bulb.html to serve an video stream of wificam and on top a link to the main page at http://esp32cam.local

bit of automatic home assistant card overview with no programming automatic mdns scan link list


s60sc commented 3 months ago

to get a video feed in the iframe call ip_address/sustain?video=1

ldijkman commented 3 months ago

yep figured out with chrome inspect http://esp32cam.local/sustain?stream=0

could /data be in spiffs ? would be easier for an inbrowser easy web flash to program the esp32-cam to make it easier to flash/program for normal people


ldijkman commented 3 months ago

to get a video feed in the iframe call ip_address/sustain?video=1


Screenshot from 2024-04-08 18-36-30

ldijkman commented 3 months ago


i do not know but i think this does not make sense to me are you using ip as mdns name

mdns is for using human friendly names not ungueasable ip numbers but http://frontview.local http://backyard.local

static void setupMdnsHost() {  
  // set up MDNS service 
  char mdnsName[MAX_IP_LEN]; // max mdns host name length
  snprintf(mdnsName, MAX_IP_LEN, hostName);
  if (MDNS.begin(mdnsName)) {
    // Add service to MDNS
    MDNS.addService("http", "tcp", HTTP_PORT);
    MDNS.addService("https", "tcp", HTTPS_PORT);
    //MDNS.addService("ws", "udp", 83);
    //MDNS.addService("ftp", "tcp", 21);    
    LOG_INF("mDNS service: http://%s.local", mdnsName);
  } else LOG_WRN("mDNS host: %s Failed", mdnsName);
rjsachse commented 3 months ago

Nothing wrong with mdns. You need to edit webserver.cpp. If want you want the stream to output to bulb.hml you need to edit the code. Maybe create another xtask. Maybe this program is too advance for you yet, to edit to your liking.

Spend some time reading the code and understand the layout