This repository is made for hacktoberfest 2023. Here you can upload DSA questions in the CPP language. Leetcode , GFG , Codechef, codeforces problems are also accepted in this repository.
The purpose of the program is to find pairs of elements in the arr vector that sum up to a specific target value (sum in this case), which is set to 80. The program iterates through the vector, comparing each element with all subsequent elements to check if their sum equals the target value. When such a pair is found, it is printed to the console.
The purpose of the program is to find pairs of elements in the arr vector that sum up to a specific target value (sum in this case), which is set to 80. The program iterates through the vector, comparing each element with all subsequent elements to check if their sum equals the target value. When such a pair is found, it is printed to the console.