s7917 / Hacktoberfest2023

This repository is made for hacktoberfest 2023. Here you can upload DSA questions in the CPP language. Leetcode , GFG , Codechef, codeforces problems are also accepted in this repository.
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Maps-STL #135

Open gh4aniket opened 11 months ago

gh4aniket commented 11 months ago

PROBLEM LINK- https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/cpp-maps/problem?isFullScreen=true

You are appointed as the assistant to a teacher in a school and she is correcting the answer sheets of the students.Each student can have multiple answer sheets.So the teacher has Q queries:

1 XY :Add the marks Y to the student whose name is X.

2 X: Erase the marks of the students whose name is X.

3 X: Print the marks of the students whose name is X. (If X didn't get any marks print 0.)

gh4aniket commented 11 months ago

Please assign this issue to me.