s8sg / goflow

A Golang based high performance, scalable and distributed workflow framework
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Replace httprouter with gin #49

Closed dan-ash closed 1 year ago

s8sg commented 1 year ago

Looks good. I'm thinking if we can add some integration test as a part of this MR. WDYT ?

dan-ash commented 1 year ago

I actually thought about it, but when I started I realized that I prefer to handle it as a dedicate task and not something that I can do on the way as there aren't any tests at the moment. I will be happy to take it as another task, can you open an issue and describe what you think will be a good start?

dan-ash commented 1 year ago

@s8sg how do you think we should pass arguments to configure gin logging? at the moment I hard coded it to a file but I think we should allow some configurations

s8sg commented 1 year ago

@dan-ash We already have a debug enabled flag. I think we can use it

s8sg commented 1 year ago

@dan-ash What is the status of this ? Can we merge Also please rebase the MR

dan-ash commented 1 year ago

I thought it was, then I remembered you mentioned the debug flag as an option to control the logging, I will rebase and add it.