s92025592025 / home-assistant-ssl-from-asus-router

Apache License 2.0
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Add support for stock asus firmware #4

Open ricardoaveloso opened 1 year ago

ricardoaveloso commented 1 year ago

Doesn't work (v0.1.0) on stock asus firmware (XT8) due to lack of SCP. One option would be to dispense with SCP and just use sh directly to copy the files.

E.g. ssh routerUser@routerIP -p routerSSHPort -i privateRouterSSHKeyPath "cat routerCertPath" > HACertPath ssh routerUser@routerIP -p routerSSHPort -i privateRouterSSHKeyPath "cat routerKeyPath" > HAKeyPath

Default router certificate paths are: cert: /tmp/etc/cert.pem key: /tmp/etc/key.pem

ricardoaveloso commented 1 year ago

Suggested fix is implemented in the following forked project: https://github.com/ricardoaveloso/home-assistant-ssl-from-stock-asus-router