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Xenforo media embeds relying on github.io no longer work #2

Closed jeevesmkii closed 8 years ago

jeevesmkii commented 8 years ago

github.io is now serving responses containing the X-Frame-Options: Deny header, rendering all the plugins that rely on pages served from s9e.github.io non-functional..

JoshyPHP commented 8 years ago

Yes. As far as XenForo is concerned, I posted an update that uses a different host. s9e/XenForoMediaBBCodes@b58e8697c394c6ec30bc407299c5e4c5d6e2e970 I'm still looking for info about that change, as I only became aware of it today.

JoshyPHP commented 8 years ago

The X-Frame-Options header has been removed.