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threads,net not working #4

Closed jadedgnome closed 2 weeks ago

jadedgnome commented 2 weeks ago

https://github.com/s9e/s9e.github.io/blob/master/iframe/2/threads.min.html https://raw.githubusercontent.com/s9e/s9e.github.io/master/iframe/2/threads.min.html



the above url resolves to this url https://www.threads.net/t/C0zXcQmxO77/embed/ but it doesn't work.

https://www.threads.net/t/C0zXcQmxO77/ works so i think the /embed that threads.min.html is adding to the url is messing up the embed.

JoshyPHP commented 2 weeks ago

As far as I can tell, the page works fine, even when accessed directly via the link in your example, https://s9e.github.io/iframe/2/threads.min.html#C0zXcQmxO77

Try again with a fresh empty browser profile. It's possible that a privacy extension is blocking the embed.