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Serendipity Composer Update | Uniify plugins in core and additional_plugins #821

Open surrim opened 6 months ago

surrim commented 6 months ago

There are four plugins which exists in Serendipity and additional_plugins:

Plugin name S9Y AP
serendipity_event_gravatar 1.63.1 1.62.3
serendipity_event_multilingual 2.36.2 2.35.1
serendipity_plugin_authors 2.2 2.2
serendipity_plugin_quicksearch 1.2 1.2

There should be only one source. Everything which is optional should be in additional_plugins.

stevleibelt commented 6 months ago

Just for the four eyes principle, @surrim is right. All mentioned plugins are available in additional_plugins and plugins.

garvinhicking commented 6 months ago

I believe the reasoning at some point was to "bundle" important plugins with our core release. The better way would've been to do this via on-release bundling - which we weren't able to do "back in the days". Also I think we did some things with the plugins that affected their core compatibility, but I'm not sure of this.

A problem is that when we now move plugins outside of the core, they'll not get deleted when people update.

So maybe the best course of action is to "just" synchronize the affected plugins?

The ideal way of course would be to make plugins be composer packages, migrate the core to use composer for plugins too, and then create a proper release architecture.... I did some initial work for a composer move (see the git branch), but I can't do it alone and need some motivation (&time). 🥹

stevleibelt commented 6 months ago

@garvinhicking Is there a list or "howto"-Section you can point volunteers to support you on the composer task?

garvinhicking commented 6 months ago

@stevleibelt That would be terriffic, and might get me involved somehow. It's just so much that I'm seeing a steep hill I'd have to climb alone. Serendipity has a very small userbase and I'm just not sure there is "public demand" for that. But the task at hand would be a cool one, and we'd all learn a lot from it. So... if there are volunteers (LIKE YOU? :-)) then please do get in touch.

I'm still on the s9y.slack.com, but the more transparently public we can communicate this, the better.

I've just updated https://github.com/s9y/Serendipity/blob/feature/composer/README.markdown#concept again to add some thoughts...

( @onli )

onli commented 6 months ago

@garvinhicking Just to make sure you have seen it, @mmitch also volunteered to help at https://www.onli-blogging.de/2323/comments.html#c10436