I think this should be the cause, if not by the way the problem is that I get a blank popup and I can't sign the deployToken transaction.
In /src/contracts/bsv20V2.ts, method deployToken, with TAALSigner line 129 const tx = await this.deploy(1) ends up calling action "signTx" of chrome-extension (/src/pages/background/index.js line with case "signTx":) with line const signedTx = yield this.signTransaction(tx, options); of method signAndsendTransaction (scrypt-ts/dist/bsv/abstract-signer.js), that can handle only standard transactions, but action "signPreimage" should be called instead (cause script is non-standard).
Hello, I think this should be the cause, if not by the way the problem is that I get a blank popup and I can't sign the deployToken transaction. In /src/contracts/bsv20V2.ts, method deployToken, with TAALSigner line 129 const tx = await this.deploy(1) ends up calling action "signTx" of chrome-extension (/src/pages/background/index.js line with case "signTx":) with line const signedTx = yield this.signTransaction(tx, options); of method signAndsendTransaction (scrypt-ts/dist/bsv/abstract-signer.js), that can handle only standard transactions, but action "signPreimage" should be called instead (cause script is non-standard).