sIKE23 / Mage-Wars

Mage Wars for OCTGN
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Translate existing XML files to use new passive buff notation #307

Open ACG8 opened 8 years ago

ACG8 commented 8 years ago

Examples can be seen in Rajan's Fury:

<property name="cBuffs" value="inf))@all,SAnimal,TCreature,[Charge +1" />

and Retaliate:

<property name="cBuffs" value="m0,M0))@target,TCreature,tCorporeal,[Counterstrike" />

The documentation is:

For simple buffs:

<property name="cBuffs" value="m0,M1))@Self,tFlying,tLiving,TConjuration,[Fast;Psychic Immune;Armor +1,||^Friendly,@Other,SCat,[mPiercing +1" />

    @ - self, other, target, or all. Assumes all if not specified.
    [ - the type of buff granted to objects that qualify
    t - trait possessed
    ! - NOT operator
    T - type of card
    S - subtype possessed
    ^ - alignment (friendly vs enemy) possessed
    l - min level (can also use for minor flag)
    L - max level
    s - school possessed

For infinite range buffs, use inf))