sIKE23 / Mage-Wars

Mage Wars for OCTGN
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Separate Stats field into individual card properties #349

Open sIKE23 opened 8 years ago

sIKE23 commented 8 years ago

Many of the current card properties were developed initially with no thought to automation and OCTGN did not support dynamic card properties. Since the game is now highly automated and card properties are dynamic, we should separate out card stats into individual fields to better support automation. This is a better choice than writing a stats processor function which will be prone to error due to bad data entry of individual card data.

The first item to leverage these properties will be cards like Stranglevine with Permanent Life Gain.

sIKE23 commented 8 years ago


Can I get you to add a function to split the stats field into each individual stat to the xml mass

These are the property defintions for each individual stat:

        <property name="StatArmor" type="String" hidden="True" ignoreText="False" />
        <property name="StatChanneling" type="String" hidden="True" ignoreText="False" />
        <property name="StatDefense" type="String" hidden="True" ignoreText="False" />
        <property name="StatEquipmentSlot" type="String" hidden="True" ignoreText="False" />
        <property name="StatLife" type="String" hidden="True" ignoreText="False" />
        <property name="StatSpellBookPoints" type="String" hidden="True" ignoreText="False" />
        <property name="StatStartingMana" type="String" hidden="True" ignoreText="False" />
ACG8 commented 8 years ago
