sa-tre / satre-specification

Standard Architecture for Trusted Research Environments specification
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[Change]: Review of FAQs page #282

Open jawsgrant opened 12 months ago

jawsgrant commented 12 months ago


Suggestions on FAQs


Personal contribution


Specific suggestions below also comments on

My TRE is designed for data that doesn’t require this level of protection. Should I still follow SATRE?

Is there value in referencing tiering per the Turing paper in this FAQ?

Does SATRE describe approaches to TRE federation or interoperability of TREs?

Is it worth referencing the DARE UK blueprint and links between this and other Driver projects?



Why do we need a Standard Architecture for TREs has no question mark in link/anchor

suggest to add

A variety of approaches have been taken to building computing infrastructure and designing processes and policies for research with sensitive data. There are also a range of frameworks or regulations that may apply to TREs such as ISO27001 or 5 Safes. However these don't provide presecriptive guidance on how TREs comply or achieve accreditation. In recognition of this, SATRE aims to find the commonalities and compile a resource for TRE Operators, Builders and Developers to refer to and benefit from. See 👀 What is SATRE? for more information.

What do TRE Builders/Developers gain by reading the SATRE specification?

Is it necessary to say what the specification is not? The SATRE specification provides a guide for thinking about choices which need to be made and what capabilities the TRE should possess. By reading through the SATRE specification, developers tasked with designing and/or building a TRE for sensitive data projects can avoid re-inventing the wheel.

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