sa2blv / SVXportal

A web portal for svxlink reflector
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Correct setting #9

Closed ur3qjw closed 4 years ago

ur3qjw commented 4 years ago

Hello! Tell me how to correctly bind SVXportal to SvxReflector? This is absolutely not clear:

add adress to svxrefector proxy to config.php edit the $url parameter in the reflektorproxy/index.php director to match the SVXreflector server.

Show an example please.

iw0red commented 4 years ago

Hi, in svxreflector.conf --- HTTP_SRV_PORT=8181 in config.php --- $serveradress =""; (server address:port) I can't find $url parameter in the reflektorproxy/index.php

73 Marco IW0RED.

sa2blv commented 4 years ago

// MYSQL / mariadb $host = ""; $user ="svxpotal"; $password =""; $db="svx";

$link = mysqli_connect($host, $user, $password , $db); // Site name $sitename = "2.2";

// Live link $livelink="";

// Svx recording folder $dir="/var/www/svx/svxrecording";

// svxreflektor server adress; $serveradress ="";

// login form recording //$use_logein= true; // Iframe under system description //$iframe_documentation_url ="";

// Default Position $default_lat ="62.676160"; $default_long ="17.633479";

Here is my config.php for svxportal i removed private parts like database

config inside reflector_proxy

$Svx_reflector_address = ""http://reflektorserver:8181/status"; "

if you want to use the statistics module in 2.2 you nead to run @reboot sleep 60 && screen -d -m bash -c 'cd /var/www/svx/ ; watch -n 1 php logdeamon.php;' in crontab. the requierments for this is screen

// Peter

ur3qjw commented 4 years ago

2.2 - Is this another version? 2.1 is indicated here: $sitename = "2.1";

ur3qjw commented 4 years ago

Sorry, but it doesn’t work.... :((( There are data: http://svx.*********/status Not Work: // svxreflektor server adress; $serveradress ="http://svx.******";

$Svx_reflector_address = ""http://svx.******"; "

sa2blv commented 4 years ago

Sorry, but it doesn’t work.... :((( There are data: http://svx.*********/status Not Work: // svxreflektor server adress; $serveradress ="http://svx.******";

$Svx_reflector_address = ""http://svx.******"; "

try this see that the string was not correct $Svx_reflector_address = "http://reflektorserver:8181/status ";

ur3qjw commented 4 years ago

Now works! Many thanks Peter, your edits helped!

iw0red commented 4 years ago

Hi, it works more or less. I can't see the signal level and other details. Thanks, Marco IW0RED.

sa2blv commented 4 years ago

you nead to add id to rx in svxlink.conf RX_ID=B to your recivers and asign the coresponding letter to the json

here is an example of the node_info.json

{ "NodeLocation": "Dummy repeater name", "hidden": false, "toneToTalkgroup": { "107.2":24022, "118.8":2406, "123":2400, "141.3":2403, "151.4":2404, "91.5":2405, "146.2":2402, "156.7":2407, "136.5":0, "88.5":240 }, "qth": [ { "name": "vannas", "pos": { "lat": 63.844387, "long": 19.824023, "loc": "kp03cu", "sysop":"SM2RIX / SA2BLV" }, "sysop":"SM2RIX / SA2BLV", "rx": { "A": { "name": "Granlundsberget", "freq": 432.725, "sqlType": "COR", "ctcssFreq": [107.2, 67.0, 77.0, 127.3], "ant": [ { "comment": "4 stack", "height": 310, "dir": 180 } ] } }, "tx": { "G": { "name": "TX1", "freq": 434.725, "pwr": 20, "ctcssFreq": [107.2], "ant": [ { "comment": "Yagi south", "height": 50, "dir": 180 }, { "comment": "Yagi north", "height": 50, "dir": 0 } ] } } }, { "name": "Ersobda", "pos": { "lat": 63.858458, "long": 20.32261, "loc": "kp03cu" }, "rx": { "T": { "name": "Ersboda", "freq": 432.725, "sqlType": "CTCSS", "ant": [ { "comment": "KOT antenn", "height": 10 } ] } }

  "name": "Böleäng",
  "pos": {
    "lat": 63.821621,
    "long": 20.220049,
    "loc": "kp03cu"
    "sysop":"SM2RIX / SA2BLV",
  "rx": {
    "B": {
      "name": "Böläng",
      "freq": 432.725,
      "sqlType": "CTCSS",
      "ant": [
          "comment": "KOT antenn",
          "height": 10


] }

iw0red commented 4 years ago

Thanks Peter, I'm going to do more test. 73 Marco IW0RED.

ur3qjw commented 4 years ago

Hello Peter, Where to look for files for:

  1. "_System description"
  2. "konfiguration_foer_sysops"
  3. "Talkgroups"
  4. ">_Log" How to configure them?
ur3qjw commented 4 years ago

How to slightly increase the scale of the map? (click "Zoom in")

iu0krr commented 4 years ago

Hello Peter, I have a problem in the map menu and in the CTSS list menu, they are completely empty, do you have any idea why it doesn't work and where am I wrong?

Thanks, IU0KRR

sa2blv commented 4 years ago

Hello Peter, I have a problem in the map menu and in the CTSS list menu, they are completely empty, do you have any idea why it doesn't work and where am I wrong?

Thanks, IU0KRR

You nead to add this to the local node_info.json file on eatch node

wher first column is tone and the other is talkgroup

"toneToTalkgroup": { "107.2":24022, "118.8":2406, "123":2400, "141.3":2403, "151.4":2404, "91.5":2405, "146.2":2402, "156.7":2407, "136.5":0, "88.5":240 },

sa2blv commented 4 years ago

Hello Peter, Where to look for files for:

1. "_System description"

2. "konfiguration_foer_sysops"

3. "Talkgroups"

4. ">_Log"
   How to configure them?

System description our way to configur this att he moment is to use the text file called echolink.txt or by using an html page stored on the server. to use the html page edit and uncomment this line in the config.php //$iframe_documentation_url ="";


are stored in the database and ">_Log" is showing the last 500 entrys in the database from the log deamon. i have future plans to optimize the log and add an simple admin interface

// Peter DE SA2BLV

sa2blv commented 4 years ago

How to slightly increase the scale of the map? (click "Zoom in")

Hello i commited an new index file and added this parameter to config $default_zoom =5; this will allow you to sett the zoom on the default possiostion on map

// Peter

ur3qjw commented 4 years ago

How to slightly increase the scale of the map? (click "Zoom in")

Hello i commited an new index file and added this parameter to config $default_zoom =5; this will allow you to sett the zoom on the default possiostion on map

// Peter

It works! Thanks!

ur3qjw commented 4 years ago

Hello Peter, Where to look for files for:

1. "_System description"

2. "konfiguration_foer_sysops"

3. "Talkgroups"

4. ">_Log"
   How to configure them?

System description our way to configur this att he moment is to use the text file called echolink.txt or by using an html page stored on the server. to use the html page edit and uncomment this line in the config.php //$iframe_documentation_url ="";


are stored in the database and ">_Log" is showing the last 500 entrys in the database from the log deamon. i have future plans to optimize the log and add an simple admin interface

// Peter DE SA2BLV

Peter, Perhaps on GIT create a folder, "wiki" ?.. And copy your file: "svxreflector.html" And maybe several versions: "node_info.json" For duplex repeater and simplex node. Please.

iu0krr commented 4 years ago

Hello Peter, I have a problem in the map menu and in the CTSS list menu, they are completely empty, do you have any idea why it doesn't work and where am I wrong? Thanks, IU0KRR

You nead to add this to the local node_info.json file on eatch node

wher first column is tone and the other is talkgroup

"toneToTalkgroup": { "107.2":24022, "118.8":2406, "123":2400, "141.3":2403, "151.4":2404, "91.5":2405, "146.2":2402, "156.7":2407, "136.5":0, "88.5":240 },

Thanks Peter, now work fine!!!

iu0krr commented 4 years ago

Hello Peter, We have a problem due, we think, to the svxlink versions, not all of our repeaters have version 2.0, for this reason we have noticed that the bridge map does not update, if we try to disconnect the nodes with version 1.0, it works perfectly. In your opinion, is it possible to make some changes to also display the nodes with the old version of svxlink ??

Thanks, 73 IU0KRR, REDNET Team !!!

sa2blv commented 4 years ago

We have a problem due, we think, to the svxlink versions, not all of our repeaters have version 2.0, for this reason we have noticed that the bridge map does not update, if we try to disconnect the nodes with version 1.0, it works perfectly.

I hav commitetd a patch to the portal that handels string in the long and lat positions i tested it on your portal an it seams to work

iu0krr commented 4 years ago

Thanks Peter, we have updated and everything is working properly. We remain on contact for future updates.


ur3qjw commented 4 years ago

Hello Peter, Please add Ukrainian localization for SVXportal. Thanks! Regards, Volodymyr. "UA SvxReflector Team" uk_UA.tar.gz

sa2blv commented 4 years ago

Hello Peter, Please add Ukrainian localization for SVXportal. Thanks! Regards, Volodymyr. "UA SvxReflector Team" uk_UA.tar.gz

thanks i added to repo and portal. i saw i missed to add some text. so i updated the pot file

// Peter SA2BLV

sa2blv commented 4 years ago

Thanks Peter, we have updated and everything is working properly. We remain on contact for future updates.


is it possible to get an Italian localization file ?

iu0krr commented 4 years ago

Thanks Peter, we have updated and everything is working properly. We remain on contact for future updates. Thanks

is it possible to get an Italian localization file ?

Yes why not, I try to work on it right away!!

iu0krr commented 4 years ago

Peter can you replace menu reciver with receiver and CTSS with CTCSS??

sa2blv commented 4 years ago

Hello Peter, Please add Ukrainian localization for SVXportal. Thanks! Regards, Volodymyr. "UA SvxReflector Team" uk_UA.tar.gz

thanks i added to repo and portal. i saw i missed to add some text. so i updated the pot file // Peter SA2BLV

Hello Peter, I will update and recheck the localization and send you later. Look please: I can’t understand why it doesn’t work? I am using Ubuntu 20.04. Can there be a problem in compatibility with php? Localization does not work. Talkgroups - no. Color CTCSS - no. Signal strength - no. The exact position on the map. SvxLink, does not transmit the entire geolocation? QTH Name","pos":{"lat":47,"loc":"KN88MT","long":35}

run this on your server sudo locale-gen uk_UA

sa2blv commented 4 years ago

sudo locale-gen uk_UA sudo locale-gen sv_SE sudo locale-gen nb_NO

sa2blv commented 4 years ago

Peter can you replace menu reciver with receiver and CTSS with CTCSS??

i have commited and push fix for the wrong spelling

sa2blv commented 4 years ago

Hello Peter, Please add Ukrainian localization for SVXportal. Thanks! Regards, Volodymyr. "UA SvxReflector Team" uk_UA.tar.gz

thanks i added to repo and portal. i saw i missed to add some text. so i updated the pot file // Peter SA2BLV

Hello Peter, I will update and recheck the localization and send you later. Look please: I can’t understand why it doesn’t work? I am using Ubuntu 20.04. Can there be a problem in compatibility with php? Localization does not work. Talkgroups - no. Color CTCSS - no. Signal strength - no. The exact position on the map. SvxLink, does not transmit the entire geolocation? QTH Name","pos":{"lat":47,"loc":"KN88MT","long":35}

Talkgroups - no. for talkgroups you nead to add them to the database "Talkgroup" i use phpmyadmin at the moment. the plan is to add an admin page int table RefletorStations you can add color to the stations this table is automatic filled by the robot script.

Signal strength - no. requiers that you have declared RX_ID=B on the reciver in svxlink.conf on eatch node and added the same letter to the node_info.json

"rx": { "B": { "name": "Böläng", "freq": 432.725, "sqlType": "CTCSS", "ant": [ { "comment": "KOT antenn", "height": 10 } ] }

The exact position on the map. SvxLink, does not transmit the entire geolocation? what kind of delimiter are you using?

my positions are lokink like this 20.32261 you can use string as well "20.32261" in the node_info.json

iu0krr commented 4 years ago

Peter, please, first to upload on GIT. check it.

iu0krr commented 4 years ago

Peter i find a mistake, in statistic "Most used reciver"

Thanks !!!

sa2blv commented 4 years ago

Peter i find a mistake, in statistic "Most used reciver"

Thanks !!!

I have uploaded the italy languge to git

if you use ubunt you may nead to run this commands

sudo apt-get install gettext
sudo locale-gen uk_UA
sudo locale-gen sv_SE
sudo locale-gen nb_NO
sudo locale-gen it_IT

// Peter

iu0krr commented 4 years ago

Peter i find a mistake, in statistic "Most used reciver" Thanks !!!

I have uploaded the italy languge to git

if you use ubunt you may nead to run this commands

sudo apt-get install gettext
sudo locale-gen uk_UA
sudo locale-gen sv_SE
sudo locale-gen nb_NO
sudo locale-gen it_IT

// Peter

Thanks Peter !!!!!! 73 IU0KRR -> REDNET Team

ur3qjw commented 4 years ago

Hello Peter, As it turned out, switching to another language does not work on Windows OS. Under Linux, it works. Regards, Volodymyr.

sa2blv commented 4 years ago

Under Linux, it works.

I have only tested on linux but i shall see if i can patch it to work for windows as well