sa7818 / GDD

Growing Degree Days in Canada
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optional tasks selection #6

Closed SharonQSY closed 8 years ago

SharonQSY commented 8 years ago

Do at least four of the following tasks:

  1. Create an plot showing GDD like the example below for selected Canadian cities.
  2. Create a map showing effective growing degrees over both all of Canada and only for the island of Newfoundland.
  3. Explore how GDD calculation depends on the choice of T_base. show your results for either selected cities or create maps.
  4. Create standalone bokeh plots embeded in your HTML presentation so that users can interactively select with the data (hover points)
  5. Create a bokeh server plot so that you can look at the accumulated GDD for any city in Canada.

6.Compare GDD year over year. Do some analysis (perhaps linear regression) to determine if GDDs have been changing in statistical significant way.

7.Time/profile your work flow and estimate the amount of time spent in each step. Explore parallelization (either using python multiprocessing or make -j n) to make your work flow execute more quickly.

We need to selection at least 4 tasks from the above task. So, Do you have some suggestions or ideas? @Denoble @tosicky @sa7818 @salaee @fd6713 @lianboli