saadeghi / daisyui

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bug: Loading spinner on Safari #2570

Open robsontenorio opened 7 months ago

robsontenorio commented 7 months ago

What version of daisyUI are you using?


Which browsers are you seeing the problem on?

Safari, Safari iOS

Reproduction URL

there is no ...

Describe your issue

Just notice on builded version this issue happens (yarn build).

But not happens with dev version with yarn dev.

Am I missing something?

robsontenorio commented 7 months ago

I can reproduce it on daisyUI site.

In my case is problematic, because when app make some internal browser url redirects the spinners won't work on next screens, like button spinner on forms.

saadeghi commented 7 months ago


That's definitely a Safari bug. I tried to see if changing the order of CSS rules (mask-image and -webkit-mask-image) would make it work but the bug still happened. The problem is the CSS animation inside the SVG. It is expected to work and we can't extract that animation out of the SVG because daisyUI can't manually put a SVG inside the HTML and animate it. The SVG has to be inside the CSS mask and the animation has to be inside the SVG.

I will research more to find a way for it.
As a temporary workaround and to prevent this bug to break Mary, looks like adding the loading class names after render prevents the bug?

robsontenorio commented 7 months ago

@saadeghi Yes I tried it. But, bug remains when I inject class at runtime with some JS.

<span class="<inject 'loading' after some action>  loading-spinner loading-xs"></span>
saadeghi commented 7 months ago

what if you inject both loading and loading-spinner?

robsontenorio commented 7 months ago

@saadeghi Same issue. Here is a snippet

1) Simple refresh: bug 2) Hard refresh: works 3) Simple refresh again: bug

<span id="spin" class=""></span>
<button onclick="document.getElementById('spin').classList.add('loading', 'loading-spinner')">run</button>
robsontenorio commented 7 months ago


Can we consider this is definitely a Safari bug without any workarounds for now ?

saadeghi commented 7 months ago

It is a Safari bug. I hope it gets fixed in the next Safari update 🤞
A workaround would be using SVG <animate> tag for animations instead of CSS animation but it's not easy to replicate the exact same CSS animation with that 🫣

OptimusCrime commented 1 month ago

I can confirm that this is still a problem today. The spinner:

        <span className="loading loading-spinner loading-lg"></span>

Does not animate at all in Safari (both desktop and on iOS), and just the first bit of the loading icon is rendered. What is weird is that the animations works as expected in the docs page at . Does anyone know why this is happening?